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The first rule of holes is when you’re in one, stop digging. When you’re in three, bring a lot of shovels  (Bring Quotes) You may bring a horse to the river, but he will drinke when and what he pleaseth  (Bring Quotes) As a child, I was taught that it was bad manners to bring attention to yourself, and to never, ever make a spectacle of yourself... all of which I’ve earned a living doing  (Bring Quotes) I fell in love with football as I was later to fall in love with women: suddenly, inexplicably, uncritically, giving no thought to the pain or disruption it would bring with it  (Bring Quotes) A man’s world is different from a woman’s world and a man’s emotions are different from a woman’s emotions and only marriage can bring the two different sets of emotions together properly  (Bring Quotes) Even when we know what is right, too often we fail to act. More often we grab greedily for the day, letting tomorrow bring what it will, putting off the unpleasant and unpopular  (Bring Quotes) There is part of us that stands in quiet witness to what we do, taking notes, waiting for a solitary moment to bring up the subject  (Bring Quotes) Everyone who has run knows that its most important value is in removing tension and allowing a release from whatever other cares the day may bring  (Bring Quotes) Expose not the secret failings of mankind, otherwise you must verily bring scandal upon them and distrust upon yourself  (Bring Quotes) Forasmuch as many people study more to have knowledge than to live well therefore ofttimes they err and bring forth little fruit or none  (Bring Quotes) It is often easier as well as more advantageous to conform to other men’s opinions than to bring them over to ours  (Bring Quotes) It is open to a war resister to judge between the combatants and wish success to the one who has justice on his side. By so judging he is more likely to bring peace between the two than by remaining a mere spectator  (Bring Quotes) There are men who desire power simply for the sake of the happiness it will bring; these belong chiefly to political parties  (Bring Quotes) All thought is a feat of association; having what’s in front of you bring up something in your mind that you almost didn’t know you knew  (Bring Quotes) It is no hard matter to get children; but after they are born, then begins the trouble, solicitude, and care rightly to train, principle, and bring them up  (Bring Quotes) Fame is a pearl many dive for and only a few bring up. Even when they do, it is not perfect, and they sigh for more, and lose better things in struggling for them  (Bring Quotes) Our passions do not live apart in locked chambers but dress in their small wardrobe of notions, bring their provisions to a common table and mess together, feeding out of the common store according to their appetite  (Bring Quotes) What school, college, or lecture bring men depends on what men bring to carry it home in  (Bring Quotes) Wine gives a man nothing. It neither gives him knowledge nor wit; it only animates a man, and enables him to bring out what a dread of the company has repressed. It only puts in motion what had been locked up in frost  (Bring Quotes) What is there that confers the noblest delight? What is that which swells a man’s breast with pride above that which any other experience can bring to him? Discovery!  (Bring Quotes) Resolve that whatever you do, you will bring the whole man to it; that you will fling the whole weight of your being into it  (Bring Quotes) More words ain’t good for anything in the world only to bring on more argument  (Bring Quotes) Men have broad and large chests, and small narrow hips, and more understanding than women, who have but small and narrow breasts, and broad hips, to the end they should remain at home, sit still, keep house, and bear and bring up children  (Bring Quotes) What a sweet reverence is that when a young man deems his mistress a little more than mortal and almost chides himself for longing to bring her close to his heart  (Bring Quotes) Let your mind, happily contented with the present, care not what the morrow will bring with it  (Bring Quotes) Adversity, if for no other reason, is of benefit, since it is sure to bring a season of sober reflection. People see clearer at such times. Storms purify the atmosphere  (Bring Quotes) And to bring in a new word by the head and shoulders, they leave out the old one  (Bring Quotes) That fair face will as years roll on lose its beauty, and old age will bring its wrinkles to the brow  (Bring Quotes) My wish is to bring my heroes to the big screen, and many of them have already appeared in my films  (Bring Quotes) As an actor, you try to bring as much of yourself to a part to try and create a feeling of authenticity and emotional truth and resonance  (Bring Quotes)
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