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Bringing Quotes

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No single crisis shapes a generation; but a succession of events, each one bringing its shaping blows to bear  (Bringing Quotes) My mother’s bottom line was truth to her values. It meant bringing your heart and your humanity to work  (Bringing Quotes) One of the things that I try to be conscious about in crafting a song is the concept of bringing it home. I like to bring it somewhere familiar, someplace that people feel it’s resolved, it’s settled  (Bringing Quotes) Poets are privileged to utter more than they can always quite explain, bringing up from the mind’s unplumbed depths tokens of the nature of the world we carry within us  (Bringing Quotes) You couldn’t have small, dying children in a movie without really bringing everyone down, but you can in comics  (Bringing Quotes) Selfish people are, by definition, those whose activities are devoted to bringing themselves happiness. Yet... these selfish people are far less likely to be happy than those whose efforts are devoted to making others happy  (Bringing Quotes) I have solid decent people around me, and I believe that is all it is, because you will get destroyed if you have people bringing you down  (Bringing Quotes) Telling me to relax or smile when I’m angry is like bringing a birthday cake into an ape sanctuary. You’re just asking to get your nose and genitals bitten off  (Bringing Quotes) The folkish philosophy of life must succeed in bringing about that nobler age in which men no longer are concerned with breeding dogs, horses, and cats, but in elevating man himself  (Bringing Quotes) This is an election of hope. It is bringing a new trust. These elections will give new strength to the nation  (Bringing Quotes) A youth is capable of bringing things together and changing the direction too. They can come together and bring changes. There is no need of breaking anything, but need is to bring changes  (Bringing Quotes) The reason why kids are crazy is because nobody can face the responsibility of bringing them up  (Bringing Quotes) The process of grief has a beginning a middle and an end. The hard part is holding on in the middle. You can hold on. There’s transformation happening in these times bringing you to a new place. It’s a place you can only get to through the pain  (Bringing Quotes) Crime is a very hard genre to feminise. If you have a female protagonist she is going to be looking after her mum when she gets older; she is going to be worried about her brother and sister; she will be making a living while bringing up kids  (Bringing Quotes) I love bringing people together. I think that the environment is so important in terms of what kind of relationships you might be able to create, how people get to know each other  (Bringing Quotes) If the devil starts bringing up your past it’s because he’s running out of new material!  (Bringing Quotes) I can’t be a spokesman for anything other than my own concerns. I have to be free to wrestle with my own preoccupations, and if I’m bringing any political awareness to that process, that mitigates my freedom  (Bringing Quotes) Bringing an end to mass government surveillance needs to be a central pillar of returning to the principles we have put in jeopardy in the early 21st century  (Bringing Quotes) I never like to think of any character as being over. I’m always thinking of different ways of bringing them back  (Bringing Quotes) I’m probably the most loquacious author when it comes to my dedications. The reason is there is some symbolism there. I’ve been writing these books, bringing these stories to my readers who I love so much, and I have a greater love for my family  (Bringing Quotes) What right has any human being to talk of bringing up a child? You do not bring up a tree or a plant. It brings itself up. You have to give it a fair chance by tilling the soil  (Bringing Quotes) The concept of a mental state is primarily the concept of a state of the person apt for bringing about a certain sort of behaviour  (Bringing Quotes) I want to keep improving, continue to help my teammates improve, make my teammates look good. Continue bringing something new to the game, never getting completely content and always trying to get better  (Bringing Quotes) If there is a soul, it is a mistake to believe that it is given to us fully created. It is created here, throughout a whole life. And living is nothing else but that long and painful bringing forth  (Bringing Quotes) If you do not help a man with his troubles, it is equivalent to bringing troubles to him  (Bringing Quotes) Yoga is bringing suppleness in body, calmness in mind, kindness in heart and awareness in life  (Bringing Quotes) I love the idea of bringing my work to the general public, not just people who go to gallery openings  (Bringing Quotes) I’m not trying to force something but I do enjoy working behind the scenes and I do enjoy bringing all of the ingredients to the kitchen so that we can make the movie  (Bringing Quotes) Why are we building golf courses? Because we enjoy being outside, bringing man and nature together  (Bringing Quotes) Evolutionary psychology is one of four sciences that are bringing human nature back into the picture  (Bringing Quotes)
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