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Bringing Quotes

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It’s important for people who criticise architects - whether what they build is or isn’t to your taste - to appreciate how they devote themselves and put everything into bringing a building into existence.  (Bringing Quotes) With the common Iranian threat bringing the Sunni Arab world and Israel closer together, an Israeli-Palestinian peace would go a long way in improving relations and rebuffing Iran’s regional ambitions.  (Bringing Quotes) Every director is different. One of the great things about getting to work with so many directors in one TV series is collaborating with different artistic visions and voices. And they all have something to offer and making the story better and bringing their vision to what you see in the frame.  (Bringing Quotes) There’s a difference between wanting to be respected and being a strong female and being known for being able to do things, but still very much wanting guys to open the door, wanting them to ask us out, still bringing flowers and stuff like that.  (Bringing Quotes) It’s like a prehistoric reflex, you know, going out and getting the meat and bringing it back to the cave. You feel you’re supposed to make it better, but more than likely she’s asking you to tell her how you feel.  (Bringing Quotes) By repeatedly bringing your attention back to the breath each time it wanders off, concentration builds and deepens, much as muscles develop by repetitively lifting weights.  (Bringing Quotes) You start as an audience member and create a world you’re interested in, and then you move into the telling of those stories, bringing what has interested you as an audience member.  (Bringing Quotes) Marvel does a fantastic job about bringing human stories - because you’re telling big stories with a heart at the centre of it - and that’s what connects all of the characters to our audience members.  (Bringing Quotes) I love film, but it’s bringing me away from music. Singing is what I’m probably most passionate about.  (Bringing Quotes) There is a ‘sanctity’ involved with bringing a child into this world: it is better than bombing one out of it.  (Bringing Quotes) He held his hands tightly together and cursed his daughter for bringing the terrible world, with its humiliation and longing, back to his door.  (Bringing Quotes) I think Lady Gaga is great and is changing pop music and bringing back a certain rock ‘n’ roll spirit, swagger to the game.  (Bringing Quotes) I love - oh God, I shouldn’t say this - I’m really good at bringing orchids back from the dead.  (Bringing Quotes) While bringing about reforms and improving institutions, we have to be cautious that while shaking the tree to remove the bad fruit, we do not bring down the tree itself.  (Bringing Quotes) So many people choose silence after the immediate wake of a death out of fear of saying something out of turn or bringing up bad memories that bereaved people often feel forgotten.  (Bringing Quotes) What is commonly called a pest is nature’s way of bringing back into balance an imbalance that man has created.  (Bringing Quotes) I think if I wasn’t a musician, I would be a high-school band director or orchestra director. I like working with large groups of musicians and bringing out the dynamics and accomplishing something as a team.  (Bringing Quotes) Bringing 17 crore people to the doors of the bank is a huge task and I commend all the bank officials for the same. It is not difficult to open a bank branch, it is difficult to get 17 crore people to open bank accounts.  (Bringing Quotes) Acting, musicals, bringing out an album - not many people have done that. Anthony Newley, Barbra Streisand?  (Bringing Quotes) If a director brings a guy to their movie who does improv, they’ve got to let him do what he does - otherwise it’s like bringing Michael Jordan to your basketball team and telling him to just pass the ball and don’t shoot.  (Bringing Quotes) At its deepest level, I think teaching is about bringing people into communion with each other, with yourself as the teacher, and with the subject you are teaching.  (Bringing Quotes) [John Adams] always felt that his contribution to bringing about independence went unappreciated, especially after the 1790s when [Tomas] Jefferson began to be lauded as the author of the Declaration of Independence.  (Bringing Quotes) We’ve got teams and other countries have teams. Right now, we are going to their countries; we’re finding the best athletes; we’re bringing them to our team. We’re training them, we’re making them awesome, and sending them back to beat us. We’ve got to stop that.  (Bringing Quotes) How beautiful it is to see that young people are ‘street preachers,’ joyfully bringing Jesus to every street, every town square and every corner of the earth!  (Bringing Quotes) His heart was like a battered guitar; worn and scuffed from a life spentout on the road, but still capableof bringing forth beautiful music.  (Bringing Quotes) I think what’s beautiful when you’re looking at artists like Macklemore and you’re looking at artists like Ayron Jones, they’re proud of Seattle and they’re bringing it back. Seattle’s a real music town. When you act ashamed of that, you should be pushed outta the game as far as I’m concerned.  (Bringing Quotes) Being surrounded by artistic and musical beauty soothes the soul, bringing both quiet calm and creative inspiration. . . .  (Bringing Quotes) Seven years after becoming a lone parent, I feel qualified to look anyone in the eye and say that people bringing up children single-handedly deserve, not condemnation, but congratulation.  (Bringing Quotes) And I think that what is of concern is that they seem to be bringing skills from the scientific world into the interrogation room in a way that begs a lot of questions about whether it’s ethical.  (Bringing Quotes) Hermes rolled his eyesSurely you’ve seen network TV lately. It’s clear they don’t know whether they’re coming or going. That’s because Janus is in charge of programming. He loves ordering new shows and cancelling them after two episodes. God of beginnings and endings, after all. Anyway, I was bringing him some magic doormats, and I was double-parked-You have to worry about double-parking?Will you let me tell the story?Sorry.  (Bringing Quotes)
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