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Brisket Quotes

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Drew Friedman isn't just a brilliant artist. He takes you to a place. He takes you back in time. He makes you smell the stale cigarettes and cold brisket and you say, thank you for the pleasure  (Brisket Quotes) I love to cook a meal for the so-called holidays. You always need the turkey. I like making a good BBQ brisket as well  (Brisket Quotes) Every chef has his treats. By that, I mean bits and pieces from things you’re working on - crusty little cake trimmings, ends from a brisket, collars from a salmon, scraps. But they’re snacks to me, and I eat them right off the cutting board - maybe too much  (Brisket Quotes) When I was a little kid, it was not uncommon for a cousin or an uncle, before they would even say ‘Hello,’ to gush, ‘You know, your mother’s brisket is just incredible; it’s so good.’ That was an inspiration for creating a love song in that well-worn terrain of the relationship between a Jewish boy and his mother.  (Brisket Quotes) I’m a terrific Mexican cook, and I just love Mexican food. And I love cooking Mexican food. That’s pretty much my weakness...and barbecue beef...and Texas beef...and brisket. Any red meat I can get my hands on.  (Brisket Quotes)