Britain Quotes
Text Quotes
In Britain, the great hidden secret of talking animals and children’s literature is how political it was in its bones, beneath the obvious cuteness. (Britain Quotes)
The food system is not a free market. In this country, we impose reasonably high standards of animal welfare - but we haven’t applied the same standards to food we import, so all we’re really doing is exporting cruelty from Britain elsewhere, and at the same time undermining our farmers. (Britain Quotes)
In Britain, it’s bred into you, the idea that you can’t really change anything, so why bother. When I went to school in America, it was the total opposite view - you, as an individual, can change anything and everything. It’s how you’re raised. (Britain Quotes)
Apex predators are good for an environment in terms of biodiversity and trophic cascade - we have very few. But realistically, only a few areas could sustain free-roaming wolves in Britain, mostly in Scotland. (Britain Quotes)
In Britain, we’ve tended to replace the kind of architectural culture valued in much of Europe with an in-flight magazine lifestyle - all branding, marketing and ‘accessibility’, a word that usually means dumbing-down. (Britain Quotes)
We’ve got to get back on track to working with them. Because if I and my colleagues are going to continue to attract inward investment from overseas - you know particularly from the big Asian countries - they see Britain as a gateway to Europe. They don’t want any doubts cast upon that. (Britain Quotes)
They have it wrong in asking if Schroeder favors Britain over France, or France over Britain. Schroeder favors Germany. That is what we all have to understand. (Britain Quotes)
The Britain I love works with its friends and neighbours it doesn’t walk away from them (Britain Quotes)
A short, glorious life in service of a greater good - say, the life of the Spartans at Thermopylae, or the pilots in the Battle of Britain, of whom Winston Churchill said ‘Never have so many owed so much to so few,’ - that is worth praising. But for glory alone? I think not. (Britain Quotes)
I can understand why some people might look at me and say, ‘What’s she got to be depressed about?’ I get that a lot in Britain, where mental health issues seem to be a big taboo. (Britain Quotes)
Ireland, in breadth, and for wholesomeness and serenity of climate, far surpasses Britain; for the snow scarcely ever lies there above three days: no man makes hay in the summer for winter’s provision, or builds stables for his beasts of burden... the island abounds in milk and honey. (Britain Quotes)
They [The Beatles ] were the first band to write their own songs in Britain because we always just covered American songs before that. (Britain Quotes)
At the beginning of the twentieth century, every single leading Muslim intellectual was in love with the west, and wanted their countries to look just like Britain and France. (Britain Quotes)
I can’t help being Christian because I was brought up in Britain, and the morality of Christianity is part of the fabric of this country. (Britain Quotes)
I couldn’t walk down any street in Britain without being laughed at. It was a nightmare. My children were devastated because their dad was a figure of ridicule. (Britain Quotes)
There’s unrecognizable change happening in Britain. The life prospects and job prospects, particularly of working-class people, have been severely dented. Without anyone being asked. (Britain Quotes)
Our work in Britain suggests that radicalization is driven by an ideology which claims that Muslims around the world are being oppressed and - and this is the key bit of the argument - which then legitimizes violence in their supposed defense. (Britain Quotes)
You’ll find that no pride is greater than the pride that comes with being thick. Britain is filled with people who are really proud of their stupidity. (Britain Quotes)
Growing up in Britain, we didn’t have much, worked for everything. To leave food on the plate, Mom classed it as being rude and so we ate because we were hungry, not ate because we had a choice in the fridge. (Britain Quotes)
It would be easy to assume that the open letter is a symptom of the Internet age. Such is not the case. In 1774, Benjamin Franklin wrote an open letter to the prime minister of Great Britain, Lord North - a satirical call for the imposition of martial law in the colonies. (Britain Quotes)
In Britain, the big supermarkets dominate our food chain. British supermarkets are some of the best in the world at controlling, manipulating and delivering cheap food. (Britain Quotes)
I have an ambivalent relationship with Margaret Thatcher. She came to power in May 1979 - a month before my 11th birthday. I was far too young to have developed a great deal of political awareness. I remember it, though - my mother excited at the dinner table because Britain had its first female prime minister. (Britain Quotes)
In the 70s, in Britain, if you were going to do serious photography, you were obliged to work in black-and-white. Color was the palette of commercial photography and snapshot photography. (Britain Quotes)
For Americans, the quickest way to understand modern Britain is to look at what LBJ’s Great Society did to the black family and imagine it applied to the general population. (Britain Quotes)
It is crystal clear to me that if Arabs put down a draft resolution blaming Israel for the recent earthquake in Iran it would probably have a majority, the U.S. would veto it and Britain and France would abstain. (Britain Quotes)
In Britain, the idea one could go from blue-collar beginnings to the university was so far out, it was quite unthinkable. I took a variety of jobs to pay for tuition - from ice-cream salesman to night-club bouncer. Whatever earned the most money in the least time. (Britain Quotes)
Colonialism is an idea born in the West that drives Western countries - like France, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain - to occupy countries outside of Europe. (Britain Quotes)
It’s not simply that British films do well at the box office and generate revenue, it’s that they provide a window to the world of what Britain and its culture is about. (Britain Quotes)
In ‘The Hobbit,’ there were British, Irish, Australian and New Zealand actors, and Peter Jackson was adamant that we would all sound like we were from Britain somewhere. (Britain Quotes)
I think I’ve played a lesbian about five times. The first one was with Helen Baxendale in a drama called ‘The Investigator,’ about the conditions lesbians had to live under in the army in Britain, which was based on a true story. (Britain Quotes)