British Quotes

Text Quotes
I lived for a year in Scotland. British sign language is very different from American. (British Quotes)
I believe that a large part of the training in the regional theaters is in imitation of the British style of acting. The British orientation is textual; they start from the language and work toward the character. (British Quotes)
In the British embassy in Afghanistan in 2008, an embassy of 350 people, there were only three people who could speak Dari, the main language of Afghanistan, at a decent level. And there was not a single Pashto speaker. (British Quotes)
One of the characteristics of New Labour - and Miliband is irredeemably of that species - is that, in the guise of a new liberal language, it has adopted the age-old default mode of British foreign policy, namely military intervention. (British Quotes)
The British political system and the whole clapped out Westminster architecture, and the language that we use about politics, it’s completely unsustainable. You either decide to be part of that transition to do something different. Or you cling to old certainties. (British Quotes)
I used to watch a lot of American and British television as a child, which helped teach me the language and accents; it was partly that which landed me the part of Roxy in a London production of ‘Chicago’ when I was 25. (British Quotes)
That’s a true actor’s nightmare: Improvise in British sign language. Go. (British Quotes)
Being British, I don’t really have a way of expressing myself in conversation. Music transcends language. (British Quotes)
I may fight the British ruler, but I do not hate the English or their language. In fact, I appreciate their literary treasures. (British Quotes)
My mum was a children’s librarian, so I spent a lot of time in the library. My reading life, because of my mum’s work, was evenly split between American, Canadian, Australian and British authors. (British Quotes)
Too much research can be the writer’s enemy. You can spend days on end in the British Library or prowling the streets with a Dictaphone, and it’s easy to convince yourself that you’re working hard. Often, it can be an excuse not to work; a classic displacement activity. (British Quotes)
I admire American literature, both contemporary and classic - ‘Moby-Dick’ is just about the best book in the world - and I admire British literature for its insistence on dealing with social class. It may have been an influence. (British Quotes)
The British monarchy has the political and constitutional task of subtracting from the government and governors of Britain the papal and kingly airs that in America, because we have no such institution, unfortunately adhere to the president. (British Quotes)
It seems to me that Sotheby’s is very much like the British monarchy: an old and apparently very venerable institution which is in fact very nimble on its feet, an institution invested with a great deal more self-interest than the public image would suggest. (British Quotes)
I believe that the visit of the Queen to the United States is an admirable occasion to produce an historical, truthful, sincere, genuine analysis of how the British Monarchy evolved into its present situation. (British Quotes)
We went to the British Museum, and I was looking up my family in the books - pages and pages on it (British Quotes)
A collection that embraces the whole world allows you to consider the whole world. That is what an institution such as the British Museum is for. (British Quotes)
I’ve heard the sound of 70 condoms being scraped over the floor at the British Museum. It feels like being an adventurer. Why would you stay in your living room if you could go out and experience things no one’s ever experienced? (British Quotes)
Because of the long, long history of British shipping, immigration, trade, empire, missionaries, you can have a better shot at telling a worldwide story in the British Museum’s collection than any other. Britain has been more connected with the rest of the world than any other country, for longer. (British Quotes)
The fact is that the British Museum had a complete specimen of a dodo in their collection up until the 18th century - it was actually mummified, skin and all - but in a fit of space-saving zeal, they actually cut off the head and they cut off the feet and they burned the rest in a bonfire. (British Quotes)
Any golfer worth his salt has to cross the sea and try to win the British Open (British Quotes)
The most satisfying accomplishment for me was winning the British Open in 1996. But the most rewarding times were the times on the mini tours. (British Quotes)
I never felt I could be a complete professional without having won the British Open. It was something you had to do to complete your career. (British Quotes)
As a kid, I remember John Daly bombing it around St. Andrews in 1995 to win the British Open, and people say we are similar in a lot of ways. (British Quotes)
When Ballesteros triumphed at the British Open in 1979, for his first major win, he hit so few fairways off the tee that he was often mistaken for a gallery marshall. (British Quotes)
What did I want with prestige? The British Open paid the winner $600 in American money. A man would have to be two hundred years old at that rate to retire from golf. (British Quotes)
Wind is part of the British Open. It is an examination and it took me a long time to pass the examination. Eighty per cent of the fellows out there have not passed the test. (British Quotes)
To be able to hold all four majors - the Masters, U.S. Open, British Open, PGA - all concurrently I think is the Grand Slam. But a lot of people have a different opinions on that. People think you have to win it in the same calendar year. (British Quotes)
Whenever I dream of playing a perfect round of golf, which I rarely do more than a dozen times a day, I picture myself on one of my favorite British Open-style links, and in particular the great courses of the west of Ireland, whose holes flow through naturally bunkered dunesland never far from the sight or sound of surf. (British Quotes)
When it comes to getting more women into parliament, politicians have at least started to take active measures. The British Labour Party introduced all-female shortlists in 1997. (British Quotes)