Broken Quotes

Text Quotes
We are not called to bring a broken planet back to its created glory. But we are to call broken people back to their creator (Broken Quotes)
You are not broken. You break again and again because that’s what breaking means. To be whole (Broken Quotes)
Broken stories can be healed. Diseased stories can be replaced by healthy ones. We are free to change the stories by which we live (Broken Quotes)
Remember that history always repeats itself. Every great bubble in history has broken. There are no exceptions (Broken Quotes)
Words can bruise and break hearts, and minds as well. There are no black and blue marks, no broken bones to put in plaster casts, and therefore no prison bars for the offender (Broken Quotes)
A broken wing simply means, you have to find another way to fly. Have a wonderful day people (Broken Quotes)
You know, people come to therapy really for a blessing. Not so much to fix what’s broken, but to get what’s broken blessed (Broken Quotes)
I’ve never had my heart broken. It’s a very sad state of affairs. I think everybody should have their heart broken. I don’t think it says anything good about me at all (Broken Quotes)
In the end, all journeys are spiritual. So go off the main road. Be givers of hospitality and gracious takers of it too. Accept the serendipitous moments of life because, when all is said and done, you may find out that they were not serendipitous at all. And know that faith is as real as bread broken among friends. What you believe will take you far on your journey. If you search carefully, you will find good food all along the way (Broken Quotes)
The apparent physical stability of reefs belies an underlying natural turmoil of growth, death and destruction of calcareous organisms. Much like a modern city, reefs are constantly being rebuilt and torn down at the same time. Corals are the bricks, broken pieces of plant and animal skeletons the sand, and algal crusts and chemical cements the mortar. Reef growth is determined by the production, accumulation, and cementation of all this calcareous stuff into solid limestone (Broken Quotes)
To love women, to love our vaginas, to know them and touch them and be familiar with who we are and what we need. To satisfy ourselves, to teach our lovers to satisfy us, to be present in our vaginas, to speak of them out loud, to speak of their hunger and pain and loneliness and humor, to make them visible so they cannot be ravaged in the dark without great consequence, so that our center, our point, our motor, our dream, is no longer detached, mutilated, numb, broken, invisible, or ashamed (Broken Quotes)
Editing is where movies are made or broken. Many a film has been saved and many a film has been ruined in the editing room (Broken Quotes)
There is the potential for dreams to come true, for records to be broken, and medals to be won, and at this time everyone believes that they individually have the potential to make their dream a reality (Broken Quotes)
There are those among us who have erred, deeply and significantly. Who have wounded the world and broken themselves. The worst of them lose themselves in their errors. The best of them crawl back, one foot at a time, and seek to amend their breaches. That is the way of the brave (Broken Quotes)
I have a good imagination. Look, I know what it feels like to have a broken heart. I know what it feels like to feel something for somebody. I’m just too weird to be in a relationship (Broken Quotes)
I know what it’s like to have a broken heart. I know what it’s like to feel pain: When my songs don’t become hits, it breaks my heart. There are a million ways to break a heart. I can relate (Broken Quotes)
I believe as musicians and artists we have an obligation to our souls. What that is? Only each one of us knows. I can speak for myself and say my obligation is to be happy. When I’m happy, I make great music. When I’m unhappy and my heart is broken, I may make brokenhearted music, but it still sounds good (Broken Quotes)
The twin guardian angels whose eyes and hands and wings had focused protective attention on the souls that lay there no longer faced each other. They stared blindly into a random middle distance. The scroll they held between them proclaiming eternal resurrection was broken in two (Broken Quotes)
All we are is eyes looking for the unbroken or the edges where the broken bits might fit each other (Broken Quotes)
Imperishable moments and immortal deeds, death itself and love stronger than death, will be as though they had never been. The energies of our system will decay, the glory of the sun will be dimmed and the earth tideless and inert, will no longer tolerate the race which has for the moment disturbed its solitude. Man will go down into the pit and all his thoughts will perish. The uneasy consciousness, which in this obscure corner has for a brief space broken the contented silence of the universe, will be at rest (Broken Quotes)
With great difficulty advancing by millimeters each year, I carve a road out of the rock. For millenniums my teeth have wasted and my nails broken to get there, to the other side, to the light and the open air. And now that my hands bleed and my teeth tremble, unsure in a cavity cracked by thirst and dust, I pause and contemplate my work. I have spent the second part of my life breaking the stones, drilling the walls, smashing the doors, removing the obstacles I placed between the light and myself in the first part of my life (Broken Quotes)
And to remember both our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken, the times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt, because that’s what new year’s all about, getting another chance, a chance to forgive. to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more, and to stop worrying about what if and start embracing what will be. so when that ball drops at midnight, and it will drop, let’s remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other, and not just tonight but all year long (Broken Quotes)
Embedded in this outlook is an idea of the body as a machine, so that illness is seen as a breakdown of the machine, healing involves repairing the broken parts, and a doctor is a kind of mechanic with medications as his or her tools (Broken Quotes)
I know of people who don’t believe it, but depression is an illness, but unlike, say, a broken leg, you don’t know when it’ll get better (Broken Quotes)
Someone’s got to break the glass ceiling, and once it’s broken, everybody else comes clamouring up behind (Broken Quotes)
Sometimes broken hearts are needed, that way you will appreciate the one that handles it with care (Broken Quotes)
The pilot system in television is utterly broken. It’s a huge waste of money (Broken Quotes)
We only truly discover who we really are in the face of tragedy and adversity, that being broken does not simply changes us, but reveals us! (Broken Quotes)
Oh! my friend, when you feel bursting on your lips the vow of eternal love, do not be afraid to yield, but do not confound wine with intoxication; do not think the cup divine because the draft is of celestial flavor; do not be astonished to find it broken and empty in the evening (Broken Quotes)
Words are everything. Words give wings even to those who have been stamped upon, broken beyond all hope of repair (Broken Quotes)