Broken Quotes

Text Quotes
Our broken society is not born out of the triumph of the individual, but out of his effacement. He vanishes, she vanishes, ask them who they are and they will offer you a wallet or a child (Broken Quotes)
You can’t focus on what everyone else is doing - it has to be about what’s really broken and what you can do to fix it (Broken Quotes)
A couple of girls I’ve signed autographs for have just cried or broken out into tears (Broken Quotes)
I knew I’d miss you. But the surprising thing is, you never leave me. I never forget a thing. Every kind of love, it seems, is the only one. It doesn’t happen twice. And I never expected that you could have a broken heart and love with it too, so much that it doesn’t seem broken at all (Broken Quotes)
The universal nature out of the universal substance, as if it were wax, now molds a horse, and when it has broken this up, it uses the material for a tree, then for a man, then for something else (Broken Quotes)
I liked the rain. It made it harder, the harder the better. I didn’t see accidents but there are a lot of broken cars out there (Broken Quotes)
One is so apt to think of people’s affection as a fixed quantity, instead of a sort of moving so with the tide, always going out or coming in but still fundamentally there: and I believe this difficulty in making allowance for the tide is the reason for half the broken friendships (Broken Quotes)
The distinct blue, red, and yellow colors... though they have not the kind of harmony which is produced by a variety of broken and transparent colors, have the effect of grandeur (Broken Quotes)
I think your heart needs to be broken, and broken open, at least once to have a heart at all or to have a heart for others (Broken Quotes)
Wholeness is the enemy of the artist. We ought to be broken, ruined in some way (Broken Quotes)
I was only halfway to the record and it seemed like it took me a long time. I feel like that one will never be broken. That record will never be touched (Broken Quotes)
The fantasist in whom the reality barrier has broken down is unreliable, believing things when he should not, and telling things as true when they are not (Broken Quotes)
The man without a chin, no stamina, dead man, broken man, whatever. On your way to the top, you always get some criticism. Criticism is a great motivation. Failure is not an option to me (Broken Quotes)
We are in a crisis today because the practical consensus between the left and the right, linking economic efficiency with social protection, has broken down (Broken Quotes)
When you see something that is broken, fix it. When you find something that is lost, return it. When you see something that needs to be done, do it. In that way, you will take care of your world and repair creation (Broken Quotes)
Impressions are like pearls; ideas are like the string that turns the pearls into a necklace. The string is invisible, but it is not dispensable and cannot be broken (Broken Quotes)
The really happy people are those who have broken the chains of procrastination, those who find satisfaction in doing the job at hand. They’re full of eagerness, zest, productivity. You can be, too (Broken Quotes)
Now and then we hear the wilder voices of the wilderness, from animals that in the hours of darkness do not fear the neighborhood of man: the coyotes wail like dismal ventriloquists, or the silence may be broken by the snorting and stamping of a deer (Broken Quotes)
The goal of coaching is not in fixing what is broken, but in discovering new talents and new ways to use old talents that lead to far greater effectiveness (Broken Quotes)
No dreams, no visions, no delicious fantasies, no castles in the air, with which, as the old song so truly says, hearts are broken, heads are turned (Broken Quotes)
Pain nourishes courage. You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you. Pain is inevitable. Misery is optional. Physical pain is a fact that comes with living, just as illness or financial woes or broken relationships are facts. But misery is a state of mind, a reaction to the facts, that can be controlled or altered by an act of will (Broken Quotes)
Happy children should not try to be artists. You have to be born with a broken heart and a sense of loneliness inside. I never had a happy moment as a child myself (Broken Quotes)
If it’s real’re dealing with someone who’s broken through every rule, every barrier, every do and do not, and they’ve reached an apex of consciousness. They’ve broken through all the conditioning, all the timidity. They don’t buy into any program (Broken Quotes)
All our liberties are due to men who, when their conscience has compelled them, have broken the laws of the land (Broken Quotes)
Build pockets of stillness into your life. Meditate. Go for walks. Ride your bike going nowhere in particular. There is a creative purpose to daydreaming, even to boredom. The best ideas come to us when we stop actively trying to coax the muse into manifesting and let the fragments of experience float around our unconscious mind in order to click into new combinations. Without this essential stage of unconscious processing, the entire flow of the creative process is broken (Broken Quotes)
When we mistake what we can know for all there is to know, a healthy appreciation of one’s ignorance in the face of a mystery like soil fertility gives way to the hubris that we can treat nature as a machine. Once that leap has been made, one input follows another, so that when the synthetic nitrogen fed to plants makes them more attractive to insects and vulnerable to disease, as we have discovered, the farmer turns to chemical pesticides to fix his broken machine (Broken Quotes)
You can’t go through life without your heart being bruised or broken. Otherwise, you’re not truly, fully, a person (Broken Quotes)
Fighting’s given me confidence but it’s also broken me down and kept me humble (Broken Quotes)
I really believe, in my heart and soul, that if we would rebuild and strengthen the family structure in the country, you’d start to really deal with a number of the most difficult problems we’re having in the country today, in poverty, education, and in crime, but we’ve broken the family structure up (Broken Quotes)
No man is broken because bad things happen to him. He’s broken because he doesn’t keep going after those things happen (Broken Quotes)