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Broken Quotes

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That’s just your ego, trying to make sure it stays in charge. This is what ego does. It keeps you feeling separate, keeps you with a sense of duality, tries to convince you that you’re flawed and broken and alone instead of whole  (Broken Quotes) All of my creation is an effort to weave a web of connection with the world: I am always weaving it because it was once broken  (Broken Quotes) My heart was broken so badly last time that it still hurts. Isn’t that crazy? To still have a broken heart almost two years after a love story ends?  (Broken Quotes) Over the past three years, we’d become each other’s habit. And though he’d broken his habit of me when he walked away, I’d not broken my habit of him  (Broken Quotes) And so this young one, this young one whom I had so loved, I had to forsake, no matter how broken my heart, no matter how lonely my soul, no matter how bruised my intellect and spirit  (Broken Quotes) I could think whatever I wanted to, but realized that any promises I made myself were destined to be broken  (Broken Quotes) The broken heart. You think you will die, but you just keep living, day after day after terrible day  (Broken Quotes) Doctoring her seemed to her as absurd as putting together the pieces of a broken vase. Her heart was broken. Why would they try to cure her with pills and powders?  (Broken Quotes) A heart weighs more when it splits in two; it crashes in the chest like a broken plane  (Broken Quotes) Just because it’s broken doesn’t mean it loses its importance. And I figured I’d give it to you one day when you realized it was okay to make mistakes  (Broken Quotes) He does not exist here, with me, but flesh that does not exist will never die, and promises unmade are never broken  (Broken Quotes) He wanted to tell her that everything he had done he had done because he was broken, because watching her die had destroyed him, but there was no way to say it that didn’t sound like he was trying to pin the blame outside himself  (Broken Quotes) Even the incorruptible are corruptible if they cannot accept the possibility of being mistaken. Infallibility is a sin in any man. All laws can be broken and are. Often  (Broken Quotes) Bent like the branches of a tree broken like the pieces of my heart cracked like the seventeenth moon shattered like the glass in the window the day we met  (Broken Quotes) No. I just never wanted to throw them away. Even if they were broken. I still loved them  (Broken Quotes) The most beautiful heart of all is the one that can still love even while it bleeds, and especially after its been broken into thousands of pieces  (Broken Quotes) Until we learn to love others as ourselves, it’s difficult to blame broken people who desperately try to affirm themselves when no one else will  (Broken Quotes) And yet.. even if you had been right, it would only have been by accident. A broken clock is right two times a day  (Broken Quotes) It’s what’s buried deep inside that frightens me because it’s broken, like a shattered mirror  (Broken Quotes) I feel dead, wasted, awful, broken and useless. It’s not the kind of feeling you forget  (Broken Quotes) Something in him was broken, and through that break spilled a blind cruelty, a need to hurt and to push away  (Broken Quotes) Prayers and promises. The one his sister made to him. The unspoken one I made to my sister. Prayers are promises, too, and these are the days of broken promises  (Broken Quotes) I had a horrible feeling my leg was broken. If it wasn’t, it had a lot of explaining to do  (Broken Quotes) The boy was standing alone as though the broken glass all around him were a shining sea and he were an island  (Broken Quotes) Isn’t it better to have your heart broken than to have it wither up? Before it could be broken it must have felt something splendid. That would be worth the pain  (Broken Quotes) That’s the ultimate kind of broken. The kind of damage you never recover from  (Broken Quotes) She had worried that she would break if her heart broke, but she wasn’t broken. she had lost everything, but she was not lost. It seemed a worthwhile thing to know  (Broken Quotes) I understand why she did all those things, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t still broken  (Broken Quotes) How have I never realized before that for all the strong, kind parts of him, there are also hurting, broken parts?  (Broken Quotes) That quality frightens me now, because I know what he told me: that I was broken, that I was worthless, that I was nothing. How many of those things did he make me believe?  (Broken Quotes)
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