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Broken Quotes

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Come, even if you have broken your vow one thousand times, come, yet again, come, come  (Broken Quotes) Love can melt the hardest heart, heal the wounds of the broken heart and quiet the fears of the anxious heart  (Broken Quotes) We must learn not to give up when requirements are not met or when commitments are broken. To do so is a refusal to allow mistakes to be corrected and a demonstration of an unwillingness to forgive yourself or anyone else who needs forgiveness  (Broken Quotes) Prayer cannot bring water to parched fields, or mend a broken bridge, or rebuild a ruined city; but prayer can water an arid soul, mend a broken heart, and rebuild a weakened will  (Broken Quotes) A boy’s will is his life, and he dies when it is broken, as the colt dies in harness, taking a new nature in becoming tame  (Broken Quotes) A tempest ceases, a cyclone passes over, a wind dies down, a broken mast can be replaced, a leak can be stopped, a fire extinguished, but what will become of this enormous brute of bronze?  (Broken Quotes) Along the way, he or she discovers that the world has been broken for as long as anyone can remember. Everyone, sooner or later, gets a thorough schooling in brokenness. The question becomes what to do with the pieces?  (Broken Quotes) Even if your heart is broken and attacking you, you’re still not better off without it  (Broken Quotes) I think being jilted is one of life’s most painful experiences. It takes a long time to heal a broken heart. It’s happened to all of us and never gets any easier. I understand, however, that playing one of my albums can help  (Broken Quotes) All the old bindings are broken. Cosmological centers now are anywhere and everywhere. The earth is a heavenly body, most beautiful of all, and all poetry is now archaic that fails to match the wonder of this view  (Broken Quotes) If you don’t try to fly and so break yourself apart, you will be broken open by death, when it’s too late for all you could become  (Broken Quotes) No more than six words on a slide. Ever. There is no presentation so complex that this rule needs to be broken  (Broken Quotes) The deep parts of my life pour onward, as if the river shores were opening out. I feel closer to what language can’t reach. With my senses, as with birds, I climb into the windy heaven... in the ponds broken off from the sky  (Broken Quotes) Ministry is a very confronting service. It does not allow people to live with illusions of immortality and wholeness. It keeps reminding others that they are mortal and broken, but also that with the recognition of this condition, liberation starts  (Broken Quotes) I believe that the yarn we spin is capable of mending the broken warp and woof of our life!  (Broken Quotes) When your heart is broken, when your heart has cracks in it, it lets the light in  (Broken Quotes) Although from you I far must roam, do not be broken hearted. We two, who in the souls are one, are never truly parted  (Broken Quotes) Government’s power to bully people who have broken no law is dangerous to all of us  (Broken Quotes) A man who has broken with his past feels a different man. He will not feel it a shame to confess his past wrongs, for the simple reason that these wrongs do not touch him at all  (Broken Quotes) True, the movement for women’s rights has broken many old fetters, but it has also forged new ones  (Broken Quotes) I wear my crown of thorns on my liars chair, full of broken thoughts I cannot repair, beneath the stain of time the feelings disappears. What have I become, my sweetest of friends?  (Broken Quotes) The emphasis has been on rights, not responsibilities. When it comes to piecing together the fragments of broken lives, we have tended to place the entire burden on the state and its agencies  (Broken Quotes) Badlands, you got to live it everyday, let the broken hearts stand as the price you’ve got to pay  (Broken Quotes) Broken bottles, broken plates, broken switches, broken gates. Broken dishes, broken parts, streets are filled with broken hearts  (Broken Quotes) My father had to go to work, I used to think he was a jerk. I didn’t know his heart was broken, and not another word was spoken  (Broken Quotes) The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection, that one is sometimes willing to commit sins for the sake of loyalty, that one does not push asceticism to the point where it makes friendly intercourse impossible, and that one is prepared in the end to be defeated and broken up by life, which is the inevitable price of fastening one’s love upon other human individuals  (Broken Quotes) Suddenly, I became conscious of the fact that the driver was in the act of pulling up the horses in the courtyard of a vast ruined castle, from whose tall black windows came no ray of light, and whose broken battlements showed a jagged line against the sky  (Broken Quotes) I was broken in body, soul, and spirit. My natural elasticity was crushed, my intellect languished, the disposition to read departed, the cheerful spark that lingered about my eye died; the dark night of slavery closed in upon me; and behold a man transformed into a brute!  (Broken Quotes) All is well. You did not come here to fix a broken world. The world is not broken. You came here to live a wonderful life. And if you can learn to relax a little and let it all in, you will begin to see the universe present you with all that you have asked for  (Broken Quotes) Truth is a point, the subtlest and finest; harder than adamant; never to be broken, worn away, or blunted. Its only bad quality is, that it is sure to hurt those who touch it; and likely to draw blood, perhaps the life blood, of those who press earnestly upon it  (Broken Quotes)
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