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Broken Quotes

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Every Indian outbreak that I have ever known has resulted from broken promises and broken treaties by the government  (Broken Quotes) I look back to when I got divorced in the late 1970s. When that happened, I was so broken up. After that, I decided to seek God for my life and my next marriage  (Broken Quotes) I ran for president in order to be able to try to change Washington D. C. from the inside. Our federal government is broken  (Broken Quotes) It’s impossible to walk a block in Miami, in Los Angeles, San Antonio without running into someone who is being deeply impacted by a broken legal immigration system  (Broken Quotes) There is nothing wrong with your marriage if you’re dealing with bills and kids and the broken garbage disposal and in-laws and work demands. That’s a normal marriage  (Broken Quotes) Broken! Busted! Everybody has something to repair. Before buying new, let Mighty Putty fix it for you  (Broken Quotes) Germany expected that at the most a day or so would see Belgian resistance broken and the dash on Paris begun. It was not safe to start such a forward rush with Belgium unconquered  (Broken Quotes) I was a big fan of Super Troopers, so working with the Broken Lizard guys was so much fun  (Broken Quotes) For a fortnight nobody at all emailed me, or posted a follow-up. Doesn’t anyone care, I thought? It turned out my newsreader was broken, and hadn’t posted at all  (Broken Quotes) No one person could have broken up a band, especially one the size of the Beatles  (Broken Quotes) My looks haven’t prevented me from playing prostitutes or people broken by life. But when they need a token blonde with big breasts, that’s OK, too. It’s part of the game  (Broken Quotes) Like you, I’m fed up with business as usual in Washington. Send me to Congress, and I won’t tweak our broken system. I’ll shut it down  (Broken Quotes) Let’s just say that I’ve had my heart broken more than once, and never learned a thing  (Broken Quotes) There is no pure success. I am action actor. I have broken almost every piece of my body  (Broken Quotes) It feels real good to look at some of the guys who have played before me, then come in and break a record. But records are made to be broken  (Broken Quotes) Just because your leg might heal doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel broken. It doesn’t mean that a car hitting your body doesn’t hurt like the same it would hurt if a car hit your body  (Broken Quotes) The first thing that has to be broken down is your relationship to authority. Your insecurity could possibly be the wedge that opens up your perspective on what you think is possible for you to do  (Broken Quotes) The lesson that I learned is that you can’t drop everything for one person. I’ve done that and that person has broken up with me, and I’ve had nothing  (Broken Quotes) I don’t think the meaning in my paintings comes from just using broken dishes  (Broken Quotes) I love looking at sculpture, but there’s some sort of spell that’s broken with it  (Broken Quotes) I was very much a mess, as a person. I’d come from a very turbulent teenage life, with parents who had broken up in a very bad way, and a lot of illness at school  (Broken Quotes) I’d rather be around broken people who have a degree of humility, and just get on with their work  (Broken Quotes) In the end you’re not made or broken by prizes. Your relationship is with your readers, not a prize, and you just have to keep on honoring that  (Broken Quotes) If you want to get broken in good, put four girls on the road together in a van and tour up and down the country  (Broken Quotes) It is so difficult to, day in and day out, hear these incredibly painful stories of the destructive nature of our broken immigration system  (Broken Quotes) In a show that has so many neurotic, broken beta characters, it’s always fun to bring in a character who’s really confident in themselves  (Broken Quotes) Coldplay was unknown, and we played them over and over and over again, and they were really loyal to us. They went on M2 way after they had broken and become famous, because they remembered us  (Broken Quotes) Not bombs nor my broken heart can take away from me walking barefoot with you in jasmine June through the Field of Mars  (Broken Quotes) The kingdom of heaven is comprised of the broken, the fatherless, the poor, the starving. Nothing that could create good ratings for NBC  (Broken Quotes) I don’t have much in me left for Somalia, because the country is so broken, it’s not realistic to daydream about it  (Broken Quotes)
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