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Broken Quotes

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The attacks of which I have been the object have broken the spring of life in me... People don’t realize what it feels like to be constantly insulted.  (Broken Quotes) We must promote upward mobility, starting with solutions that speak to our broken education system, broken immigration policy, and broken safety-net programs that foster dependency instead of helping people get back on their feet.  (Broken Quotes) I think the system is broken; most people think that it’s broken. And we think that what we’re going to do is invigorate the political system and allow for this country to be turned around.  (Broken Quotes) Rule 1: All rules can be broken. Many (ex-legal and ethical) should be. Most people won’t.  (Broken Quotes) Hollywood is full of very liberal people, but it still has an infrastructure that needs to be broken.  (Broken Quotes) Broken people misuse their power while people who have values don’t use their powers in a way that harms.  (Broken Quotes) What landed Jesus on the cross was the preposterous idea that common, ordinary, broken, screwed-up people could be godly.  (Broken Quotes) I wonder if this is how people always get close: They heal each other’s wounds; they repair the broken skin.  (Broken Quotes) Proud people keep others at arm’s length. Broken people are willing to take the risks of getting close to others and loving intimately.  (Broken Quotes) I think people will be surprised at how fast they go next year. I do think world records will get broken next year.  (Broken Quotes) Learning from other people’s mistakes is better than making your owns. And it is easier to live lonely than to have a broken heart.  (Broken Quotes) It’s important that we remind the American people of what they already know about Obamacare - that the promises that were made were all broken.  (Broken Quotes) I am impressed when music matters, when genres are broken, when spirits are lifted, when people make a difference, and when people are true to themselves.  (Broken Quotes) I like to deal with things I heard about, ... People are always getting their house broken into around the holidays. That’s when the crime rate goes up.  (Broken Quotes) Nobody can survive alone, in this world. People have bonds, and sometimes those bonds are broken. And then, that person goes spinning off and connects with someone else.  (Broken Quotes) He wondered about himself (whether he was broken, or special, or better, or worse) and about other people (whether they were really all as stupid as they seemed).  (Broken Quotes) Every Indian outbreak that I have ever known has resulted from broken promises and broken treaties by the government.  (Broken Quotes) What does Obama mean keep working on closing Gitmo? It’s a broken promise. Obama said we were gonna close Gitmo the first day he was in office and it never happened.  (Broken Quotes) My family doesn’t do happy endings. We do sad endings or frustrating endings or no endings at all. We are hardwired to expect the next interruption or disappearance or broken promise.  (Broken Quotes) The two million or so residents who live beneath the Heathrow flight path are accustomed to the noise. However, they are right to feel that any expansion would represent an unacceptable broken promise.  (Broken Quotes) Before she closed the door, she hit me with this one: I feel like it’s November first, she said, and I’m that discarded jack-o’-lantern whose heart and guts are splattered all over the boulevard of broken promises.And a good night to you, too, I said.  (Broken Quotes) By admitting they have no contingency plan to assist the millions that may lose subsidies, the administration confirms how the misguided law is unworkable for the American people, I’m committed to working with my Republican colleagues on how Congress can respond to help those hurt by Obamacare’s broken promises.  (Broken Quotes) I love the concept of the romance that exists when people are broken. Like, the promise of a romance when you’re at the bottom. I think that’s infinitely compelling and romantic.  (Broken Quotes) My religion teaches me that a promise once made or a vow once taken for a worthy object may not be broken.  (Broken Quotes) But we danced, under wigs and between unfinished walls, through broken promises and around empty cupboards.  (Broken Quotes) The problem with promises is that once you’ve made one, it’s bound to be broken. It’s like an unspoken cosmic rule.  (Broken Quotes) I never made promises lightly There may have been some that I’ve broken But I swear in the days still left We will walk in fields of gold  (Broken Quotes) I hate to be a broken record - my parents have a lot to do with that too, because that’s how they live their lives.  (Broken Quotes) I think the key is never being satisfied with your skills and you have to constantly learn. I say this all the time, I sound like a broken record, but if you are not getting better in this sport you are getting worse  (Broken Quotes) People lead complicated lives and aren’t hanging on your every word or the company mission statement. You have to become a broken record of your expectations of the organization and show people why it is relevant and how it works in specific ways.  (Broken Quotes)
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