Brotherhood is an ideal better understood by example than precept!

Brotherhood is an ideal better understood by example than precept!
Paramahansa Yogananda, a spiritual leader and guru who brought the teachings of yoga and meditation to the West, understood the importance of brotherhood in fostering a sense of unity and harmony among all beings. He believed that the concept of brotherhood was not just a lofty ideal to be preached, but something that needed to be lived and demonstrated through actions and interactions with others.Yogananda often spoke about the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of treating others with love, compassion, and respect. He believed that true brotherhood could only be achieved through understanding and empathy, rather than through mere words or teachings. In his book "Autobiography of a Yogi," Yogananda writes about the importance of cultivating a sense of brotherhood with all living beings, regardless of their background or beliefs.
Yogananda's teachings on brotherhood were deeply rooted in the principles of yoga, which emphasize the unity of body, mind, and spirit. He believed that by cultivating a sense of unity within ourselves, we could then extend that sense of unity to others, creating a more peaceful and harmonious world.
One of the key teachings of Yogananda was the importance of selfless service and helping others. He believed that by serving others with love and compassion, we could transcend our own ego and connect with the divine within ourselves and others. Through acts of kindness and generosity, we could demonstrate the true meaning of brotherhood and create a more compassionate and caring society.
Yogananda's own life was a shining example of the principles of brotherhood that he preached. He dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of yoga and meditation, and to helping others on their spiritual journey. He welcomed people of all backgrounds and beliefs into his ashrams, creating a sense of unity and community among his followers.