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Bruised Quotes

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When children feel understood, their loneliness and hurt diminish. When children are understood, their love for their parent is deepened. A parent’s sympathy serves as emotional first aid for bruised feelings. When we genuinely acknowledge a child’s plight and voice her disappointment, she often gathers the strength to face reality  (Bruised Quotes) If you’re not bruised up, then you’re not doing an action film in a real way  (Bruised Quotes) The mind of the scholar, if you would have it large and liberal, should come in contact with other minds. It is better that his armor should be somewhat bruised by rude encounters even, than hang forever rusting on the wall  (Bruised Quotes) You can’t go through life without your heart being bruised or broken. Otherwise, you’re not truly, fully, a person  (Bruised Quotes) As if goaded by a kind of frantic despair, I sketched these dirty, ragged little victims of the war with their bruised, lacerated minds and bodies, their matted hair and runny noses. Here my life as a painter began in earnest  (Bruised Quotes) This is what happens with a breakthrough. The first ones through the door often get bruised if not broken. Eventually, with a little political acumen and racial sensitivity and a lot of hard work, a smooth new place can emerge  (Bruised Quotes) ... how poorly do we love even those whom we love most! We are not only bruised by the limitations of their love for us, but also by the limitations of our own love for them  (Bruised Quotes) Disappointment came to me, and booted me, and bruised and hurt me, but that’s how people grow up  (Bruised Quotes) Holding her gaze, he closed the final distance between them and went down to his knees, that beautiful bruised face looking up at her  (Bruised Quotes)
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