Bruno Mars Quotes

Text Quotes
When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change. Cause you're amazing, just the way you are (Bruno Mars Quotes)
If perfect is what you’re searching for then just stay the same (Bruno Mars Quotes)
Your sex takes me to paradise (Bruno Mars Quotes)
Every artist should want to be like Michael Jackson (Bruno Mars Quotes)
Oh every time I close my eyes I see my name in shining lights (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I open my eyes and now all I wanna see is a sky full of lighters (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I will catch a...... Ball. Grenade WTF (Bruno Mars Quotes)
You know, when Michael Jackson does the moonwalk, he’s showing off! When Prince or Hendrix do a guitar solo, it’s confidence! I would hate to be at a show and some nervous wreck is sweating up there and doesn’t feel like he deserves to be there (Bruno Mars Quotes)
Never had much faith in love or miracles, Never wanna put my heart on the line (Bruno Mars Quotes)
What I like about Elvis is the same thing I like about James Brown, Michael Jackson, Prince. These guys, back in the day, there was no smoke and mirrors. It was just raw talent. They would step out onstage and command an audience. Talk about awesome (Bruno Mars Quotes)
Today, I’d like to talk to Bob Marley. I’d just like to ask him what was his method. Bob is one of the greatest songwriters ever. I don’t know if people understand how powerful his songs are and the simplicity and genius behind them, from ‘Redemption Song’ to ‘Is This Love?’ and ‘I Shot the Sheriff.’ (Bruno Mars Quotes)
My dad was into the 1950s doo-wop era. If you look at those groups, or at James Brown, Jackie Wilson and the Temptations in the 1960s, you’ll see you had to be sharp onstage (Bruno Mars Quotes)
In pop music, the public usually see the results - the hit records, the Grammy Awards performances, the concert tours - but not all the work that goes into getting into the spotlight. And not everyone realizes that, even if you have a lot of talent, chances are you won’t make it (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I’ve had big record label presidents look me in the face and say, ‘Your music sucks, you don’t know who you are, your music is all over the place, and we don’t know how to market this stuff. Pick a lane and come back to us.’ (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I love that I can talk to my fans through Twitter, to cut out the middle man. Because I’ve done interviews where my words have gotten twisted, so it’s nice to be able to have things coming straight from me (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I don’t think anyone ever plans to change line-ups, but it’s something that comes with being in bands. I was in a band once and there were always problems - members come and go - and some of the world’s biggest bands have changed line-ups loads! (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I can’t even speak Hawaiian, but if you go there and listen to a Hawaiian song, you get captured because it’s so beautiful, like the melody is just gorgeous and you know Bob Marley is on the radio every single day. It’s very reggae-influenced down there. Basically, you haven’t been to paradise if you haven’t been to Hawaii (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I came to California and got signed at a young age. And it’s not like you see in the movies, where you start rubbing shoulders with Timbaland and Pharrell, and you become a giant pop star (Bruno Mars Quotes)
In Hawaii, some of the biggest radio stations are reggae. The local bands are heavily influenced by Bob Marley (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I love the Sex Pistols. I’m a big Beach Boys fan and a huge Zeppelin and Queen fan (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I could sing you a thousand and one doo-wop songs. I love the simplicity in that music. It’s not super-poetic, it’s just from the heart (Bruno Mars Quotes)
Don’t you love it that Prince doesn’t use Twitter? Don’t you think he’s somewhere on a unicorn? (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I wish I could tell you me and my rock band were traveling around, strung out. No, we were a family band. Straight Partridge Family (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I tend to overthink things. I’m not the guy who screams ‘This is a world smash!’ when I finish a song (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I just know that I’m a fan of all different kinds of genres. You’re supposed to be free doing music, and that’s how I feel. (Bruno Mars Quotes)
What I’m hoping is that every album I’m going to do will give my audience something different, and that they’ll grow as I do. (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I don’t ever want to come out with something safe and get away with, ‘It sounds good!’ It’s got to be more than sounding good. The music I like are events. (Bruno Mars Quotes)
I can put some chords together and maybe write a song, but I’m learning every day. And that’s the fun part. (Bruno Mars Quotes)
It’s probably the worst feeling in the world, when you’re deeply and madly in love with a woman and you know she’s not feeling you the same way, and you don’t know why. (Bruno Mars Quotes)
With my being from Hawaii and being very family oriented I don’t really have a fear of a tragic ending. I don’t see any tragic ending for me. (Bruno Mars Quotes)