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Brutal Quotes

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I sold ‘Time Life’ books on the telephone. It’s probably the only pure skill job I’ve ever had. When you’re on and you’re good, you get ‘yes’ after ‘yes.’ When you’re slightly off, you get rejection after rejection. It was one of the greatest jobs I ever had. It was brutal  (Brutal Quotes) I came to L.A. for pilot season, and it was so brutal. So brutal. But still, I just want to be making forward progress. There’s lots of ideas about being a superstar. But my idea of being a superstar is just going forward and having new challenges and trying out new things  (Brutal Quotes) The Ice Nation is a pretty brutal place. They breed war heroes. The relationship between mother and child, in that world, is a little bit different than it is in our own society. But, no one really likes being a disappointment to their parents and their family  (Brutal Quotes) There’s people who think what they need and what they deserve in their lives is a lot worse than what they actually do, so they get themselves involved in things that are needlessly painful: brutal relationships, abusive relationships  (Brutal Quotes) I think all actors have a sadomasochistic streak, because acting is kind of brutal, you know  (Brutal Quotes) When I first read Anne Frank’s ‘Diary of a Young Girl,’ I saw for the first time that a girl could be a writer and that it had something to do with survival and with ethics and fighting against evil. I admired her, though her diary remained terrifying and mysterious to me. She was a character in a real fairy tale - fairy tales are brutal.  (Brutal Quotes) I think brutal honesty is extremely important. Don’t be afraid of being up-front about your feelings and your life.  (Brutal Quotes) We’ve always lived in dark times. There has always been a range of human experience from the sublime to the brutal, and stories reflect it. It’s no less brutal now; each age has its horrors.  (Brutal Quotes) I am not brutal or cruel to animals. My mission has always been to save dogs - especially troubled and abandoned dogs. I’ve dedicated my life to this.  (Brutal Quotes) The liberation of Iraq, which is already hard to justify from the perspective of American interests, at least had the virtue of freeing Iraqis from a brutal dictator. Despite all the anarchy and violence, life has gotten better for most Iraqis.  (Brutal Quotes) American presidents always avoid shaking hands with brutal dictators, except when it’s advantageous to do so.  (Brutal Quotes) The reason why I love people, and writing about them, is because they don’t always respond with hate and anger. If they did I wouldn’t have a story to tell. Who wants to know about someone who was brutalised and became brutal? I’m interested in the exceptions.  (Brutal Quotes) I don’t eat animals. I rescue strays and take injured pigeons to the wildlife rehab. I carry spiders and wasps outside in a cup covered with a 3x5 card. It would only follow that I’d take pause when contemplating the abrupt and apparently brutal ending of a tiny human being’s life, or even a potential human being’s life.  (Brutal Quotes) He tried to let her know it would be all right. Eventually. Life wouldn’t always be this painful. The world wouldn’t always be this brutal. Give it time, little one. Give it another chance. Come back.  (Brutal Quotes) Where land mines are indiscriminate, cheap, and brutal, drones are discriminate, expensive, and brutal. And yet they are insufficiently discriminate: the assassination of the Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud in Pakistan in 2009 succeeded only on the seventeenth attempt.  (Brutal Quotes) You cannot allow any of your people to avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world, it’s going to be bad.  (Brutal Quotes) This city can be kind of brutal, so you see your dreams from every different angle, but ultimately it’s about acting and if you enjoy acting, you will always enjoy acting.  (Brutal Quotes) Nature is a perfect example of the harmony between the beautiful and the brutal. You turn over a pretty rock and there are worms writhing underneath.  (Brutal Quotes) For me, working is the ultimate vacation, for lack of a better word. Its being in-between jobs were it becomes emotional, and brutal, and draining.  (Brutal Quotes) Being in Los Angeles is this brutal awakening, where I feel not good enough as soon as I walk into a room, and I’m wearing the wrong thing, or I don’t have enough make up on. It’s all about image.  (Brutal Quotes) The racism of the Nazis threatened to make whatever we had experienced look like child’s play. If they could be so brutal to the Jews, what would they do to the blacks? So large numbers of black young men and women rallied to the defence of the empire.  (Brutal Quotes) The work of John Lennon was marked by its exquisite beauty and by its brutal honesty  (Brutal Quotes) I don’t know if any of us are mature enough to handle the brutal honesty of what’s inside other people’s heads.  (Brutal Quotes) Callie always said Luce was incapable of brutal honesty and that was why she got herself stuck in so many crappy situations with guys whom she should have just told no.  (Brutal Quotes) I rap about fighting back. I make it uncomfortable by putting details to it. It might not have been politically correct but I’ve reached somebody; They relating to me. They relate to the brutal honesty in the rap.  (Brutal Quotes) I never weigh myself, but the brutal truth of television is that they don’t employ old people or fat people.  (Brutal Quotes) I want women writers to write boldly, wildly, deeply. I want them to feel really liberated to tell the brutal truth, however they see that truth and are moved to tell it.  (Brutal Quotes) Because ‘Call The Midwife’ is a gentle drama, not a documentary, it’s not appropriate to portray Sister Monica Joan’s condition in all its brutal reality.  (Brutal Quotes) Be careful what you wish for. I know that for a fact. Wishes are brutal, unforgiving things. They burn your tongue the moment they’re spoken and you can never take them back.  (Brutal Quotes) After ‘Chandni Bar’ there was a shutdown of such bars in Mumbai. After ‘Page 3’ people started avoiding such events. ‘Traffic Signal’ exposed the money flow through the mafia. I’m not apologetic about the brutal truth in my films. Almost 70% of my films are based on reality, and 30% I fictionalize or change to suit my film.  (Brutal Quotes)
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