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Brutally Quotes

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Those who are brutally honest are seldom so with themselves  (Brutally Quotes) Be brutally honest about the short term and optimistic and confident about the long term  (Brutally Quotes) I find it kind of disturbing when people cheer when someone just gets stabbed brutally  (Brutally Quotes) If you’re serious about improving your play, be brutally honest with yourself  (Brutally Quotes) ... the devil on my right shoulder must have brutally strangled the angel on my left  (Brutally Quotes) To be brutally honest, I am a little bit of a Clint Eastwood nerd. Clint Eastwood who was the man who drew me into movies. When everybody else was watching Star Wars, I was watching Fistful of Dollars.  (Brutally Quotes) Be honest, brutally honest. That is what’s going to maintain relationships  (Brutally Quotes) If everyone in the music business were brutally honest about what their intentions were then you could sort things out, but it’s all smoke and mirrors.  (Brutally Quotes) I won’t have a hard time being brutally honest. But I won’t be mean. You don’t have to be mean to be honest.  (Brutally Quotes) The medium’s gaze is brief, intense, and promiscuous. The shelf life of the moral causes it makes its own is brutally short.  (Brutally Quotes) After a hit show is over, you soon realize this is a very tough business ... brutally tough. But I’m a better actor and I have more gravitas than I had at 24 with bleached-blonde hair.  (Brutally Quotes) The best thing about having brothers and sisters is that they’re brutally honest. My brother just got the ‘Narnia’ game, and first thing he does is kill me in it! Six times, over and over again!  (Brutally Quotes) Ultimately, I think writing is a mixture of craft, inspiration, and being incredibly, courageously explorative with yourself - and being brutally honest, too.  (Brutally Quotes) Be honest, brutally honest. That is what’s going to maintain relationships.  (Brutally Quotes) War is the art of killing each other brutally, diplomacy is the art of killing each other softly  (Brutally Quotes) I founded a club, which is called the Brutally Early Club. It’s basically a breakfast salon for the 21st century where art meets science meets architecture meets literature.  (Brutally Quotes) ...the devil on my right shoulder must have brutally strangled the angel on my left...  (Brutally Quotes) I’m very honest - brutally honest. I always look at things from their point of view as well as mine. And I know when to walk away.  (Brutally Quotes) Overpopulation in the United States will become THE single greatest issue facing Americans in the 21st century. We either solve it proactively or nature will solve it brutally for us via water shortages, energy crisis, air pollution, gridlock, species extinction and worse.  (Brutally Quotes) Write with abandon and no constraints for first draft. Cut brutally and save in separate files on second draft. Add conflict; don’t be afraid to make your characters suffer. Read what you love. Write what you love. Love.  (Brutally Quotes) The hunger [to success] is the same, no matter what it is that you’re doing. It’s like an unquenchable thirst to learn more, or to feel like you could have done more, and to be brutally honest and self critical, which is very hard to do. It’s easy, and human nature is to just blame somebody else. It’s very, very hard to self assess  (Brutally Quotes) Yes, it sucked getting dumped. But wasn’t it better to just be brutally honest? To admit that your feeling for someone is never going to be powerful enough to justify taking up any more of their time? I was doing him a favor, really. Freeing him up for a better opportunity. In fact, I was a practically a saint, if you really thought about it. Exactly  (Brutally Quotes) No one should expect building a new high-growth, software-powered company in an established industry to be easy. It’s brutally difficult  (Brutally Quotes) The conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth (aka AGW; aka ManBearPig) has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed after a hacker broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (aka CRU) and released 61 megabytes of confidential files onto the internet. (Hat tip: Watts Up With That)  (Brutally Quotes) Back in 2004, Kellie Overbey handed me her play ‘Girl Talk’ to read. I fell in love with her brutally delicious humor and the fearlessly deft way in which she drew her characters. They jumped off the page and begged me to give them a space in which to stomp around.  (Brutally Quotes) But the bigots always see those whom they hate as morally corrupt, as if they confuse their own aesthetics of disgust and fear with actual ethical critique, rationalizing their emotional response, and enforcing their moral certainties with passion, establishing them-selves, subtly or brutally, as arbiters of reason.  (Brutally Quotes) I’ll literally pay three Hollywood readers who don’t know me to read my scripts under the radar and give cold comments. And at the early screenings of my movies, I’ll hand out questionnaires that can be filled out anonymously so people can be brutally honest because, to your face, they won’t be.  (Brutally Quotes) I was trying in ‘The Power of the Dog’ to write a brutally accurate in-your-face, if you will, description of 30 years in the war on drugs. And the effect that that had on people.  (Brutally Quotes) No Muslim country has ever done as much as Turkey to make itself over in the image of a European nation-state; the country’s westernised elite brutally imposed secularism, among other things, on its devout population of peasants.  (Brutally Quotes) Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has been one of my good friends in the House of Representatives. When she was brutally shot, Gabby was out doing what she loved to do - meeting with her constituents in a local setting, allowing people to speak to her directly about the issues that concerned them.  (Brutally Quotes)
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