Buck Brannaman Quotes

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Horses and life, it’s all the same to me (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
As far as horses go, people will ask about one breed versus another. I have to tell you, I really don’t have any prejudice one way or another. I treat every horse at face value, how he/she is as an individual (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
That absolute pure honesty of the horse, man that’s just the greatest thing there is (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
You’re trying to figure out a way to meet a horse to where he can understand. And to me, it’s not to train a horse, it’s to try to get the horse with you where it’s one mind and one body. You may spend your whole life chasing that, but it’s a good thing to chase (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
The horse can just be a great vehicle for some people to overcome things in their life that they might not be able to overcome otherwise (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
With the horses, you can’t let them call the shot part of the time and then you call the shot part of the time. They’re not really designed to be your leader, but they can be a great partner, but you need to lead, and they need to respect you and respond with respect. Don’t think of respect as a dirty word. You need to respect them as well (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
When riding, ask yourself what will my horse get out of it if I get what I want? Many times, human nature is to take and to not give anything back (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
You don’t have contempt for a horse that’s troubled. Everybody has baggage, everybody has things that they’ve had to deal with in their life, and it can be something positive depending on how you use it (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
My teachers used to tell me you need to learn to adjust to fit the situation. Don’t just do what you’ve always done because it might not always work (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
I often tell people in the clinics, the human possesses the one thing that means more to the horse than anything in the world, and that is peace and comfort (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
You might measure your approach to a horse the same way as your approach to people because there are going to be some horses, like some people, who might be inclined to tune you out (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
I take the horsemanship very seriously and I treat it with the same integrity that one would any of the fine arts (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
I often tell people that I truly want the horse to be my feet and legs. I want to be an extension of the horse and him to be an extension of me. That’s what I’m always working toward when I’m on a horse (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
You try to do as little as you can, but you need to do as much as is necessary to get a result. When you get a result, you do less (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
You have to plan ahead so that rather then seek revenge for the horse’s misbehavior, you see his aggressive behavior shaping up and can redirect it. You change his mind before he’s acted and move on to something else (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
You get that horse to really operate as if he’s your legs and you can take that anywhere you want. You can dress up in any kind of clothes you like. You can be a jumper, dressage rider, trail rider, cowboy, anything (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
If you miss the beginning, the basics, then you are destined to go back and visit the basics (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
You can’t think of everything in life your horse might encounter that might make him afraid so you’d better prepare em for it in other ways (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
All your horse looks for is the thing that matters most, peace and contentment. Give it to him (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
I’m just trying to get people to understand horses. You have to be consistent and logical, use your brain, and not be emotional and not lose your temper (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
The comforting thing to the horse is, is as you become more and more accurate, he knows you’re aware of him, and pretty soon because of that he’s aware of you more and more of the time (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
There’s an ancient bond that still exists today between horses and humans, it is even there with people that have never ridden a horse or been around horses. The horse is what settled the entire west. If it weren’t for the horse they’d probably be only a couple hundred miles from where they started. A lot of people don’t realize how much they owe the horse because it’s not so much a part of our culture right now as it used to be (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
The horse responds to comfort, they respond to peace better than about anything else you could do. All he wants you to do is just leave him alone. So if the horse responds to you and you give him a little peace and comfort that means more to him than anything (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
I’ve started horses since I was 12 years old and have been bit, kicked, bucked off and run over. I’ve tried every physical means to contain my horse in an effort to keep from getting myself killed. I started to realize that things would come much easier for me once I learned why a horse does what he does (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
The road may bend out of sight at times, but I know what lies ahead: the faraway horses (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
Horses aren’t lazy and they’re not greedy and they’re not jealous and they’re not spiteful, they’re not hateful. They’re not that way. But the human can sometimes only describe a horse in the way that they view other human beings (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
Horses are incredibly forgiving. They fill in places we’re not capable of filling ourselves (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
The horse is a mirror to your soul... and sometimes you might not like what you see in the mirror (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
Discipline isn’t a dirty word. Far from it. Discipline is the one thing that separates us from chaos and anarchy. Discipline implies timing. It’s the precursor to good behavior, and it never comes from bad behavior. People who associate discipline with punishment are wrong: with discipline, punishment is unnecessary (Buck Brannaman Quotes)
When you see a horse that’s troubled, you sort of feel sorry for them, yet that doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t still ask the horse to behave and find a way to fit in and respond to you as well (Buck Brannaman Quotes)