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Has an iPhone, Mac, Xbox, PS3, wii, internet, pocket money more than most families budgets. Not happy at all. Uses a rock as a camera. The happiest kid in the world  (Budgets Quotes) Budgets are for cutting, that’s why you set them  (Budgets Quotes) Christmas is the time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell government what they want and their kids pay for it  (Budgets Quotes) States should not balance their budgets on the backs of students  (Budgets Quotes) I find shoestrings very hard work. I like big budgets  (Budgets Quotes) Some couples go over their budgets very carefully every month. Others just go over them  (Budgets Quotes) It’s wrong for libraries to have limited budgets  (Budgets Quotes) The course of unbalanced budgets is the road to ruin  (Budgets Quotes) More personal films, you could make them, but your budgets would be cut down  (Budgets Quotes) Balanced budget requirements seem more likely to produce accounting ingenuity than genuinely balanced budgets  (Budgets Quotes) I know what it takes to balance budgets. I have done it my entire life  (Budgets Quotes) Taxpayers need a businessman who knows how to create jobs, cut costs and balance budgets  (Budgets Quotes) I don’t think we should label budgets even before the budget is presented  (Budgets Quotes) Downsizing budgets may be necessary, but downsizing dreams is a decision to be disappointed  (Budgets Quotes) Budgets are nothing if not statements of priorities  (Budgets Quotes) America has two national budgets, one official, one unofficial  (Budgets Quotes) We need to increase education budgets  (Budgets Quotes) It's about good copy and ensuring that cases can be made into top-notch documentaries on the telly. Public approval is the all-important currency these days, and police budgets ebb and flow on the back of circulation and viewing figures  (Budgets Quotes) Biology is now bigger than physics, as measured by the size of budgets, by the size of the workforce, or by the output of major discoveries; and biology is likely to remain the biggest part of science through the twenty first century  (Budgets Quotes) The real goal should be reduced government spending, rather than balanced budgets achieved by ever rising tax rates to cover ever rising spending  (Budgets Quotes) But, in each case, as a filmmaker who’s been given sizable budgets with which to work, I feel a responsibility to the audience to be shooting with the absolute highest quality technology that I can and make the film in a way that I want  (Budgets Quotes) And it is crucial of course that chief constables are able to make decisions within their budgets about how they deploy their police officers to the greatest effect to ensure that they’re able to do the job that the public want them to do  (Budgets Quotes) The making of television has changed quite a bit. Now you have to do them n cheaper budgets  (Budgets Quotes) And then fourth, we have that essential group of people who track programs and budgets to ensure that they align with the needs of preparation and warning, counterintelligence and support to the operational war fighter  (Budgets Quotes) We know that appropriators will fight these cutbacks. But by eliminating earmarks, we can stop the horse trading that grows agency budgets  (Budgets Quotes) In a time of tight budgets, difficult choices have to be made. We must make sure our very limited resources are spent on priorities. I believe we should have no higher priority than investing in our children’s classrooms and in their future  (Budgets Quotes) I like to keep my budgets at a certain price when I work for someone else, and even more so now that I’m working for myself, and use new technologies to deliver films that look like they have high production levels  (Budgets Quotes) As I said a moment ago, there is no higher priority in our budget, or certainly in the budgets of the past few years, than providing for what is needed for the protection and security of our country and support of our troops  (Budgets Quotes) I have voted to make tough decisions in budgetary times, I’ve served on two recessionary budgets, my opponent has never served on any a budget committee where there was less money to spend than the year before  (Budgets Quotes) Without a doubt, first thing we should do is clean up our fiscal house, and that starts with balancing our budgets and digging out of this red ink. We cannot expect to continue in this fashion and remain the leader of the free world  (Budgets Quotes)
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