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Building Quotes

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No matter how hard life is, you are your own architecture. If you give up then there’s no one that can help you, but if you want to keep building your future, then no one can stop you either  (Building Quotes) I’m trying to get some building work done at the moment, quite seriously. Be careful  (Building Quotes) I discovered that resolution of conflict comes from people being able to express their own feelings and their own needs in the face of another. Making agreements and setting goals without building upon the feelings of the parties involved is empty, because it does not consider the vulnerabilities of our own humanity  (Building Quotes) Be suspicious of any work that is not building product or getting customers. It’s easy to get sucked into an infrastructure rewrite death spiral  (Building Quotes) It may be easier than ever to start a product, but building a company is just as hard as its ever been  (Building Quotes) I just have never seen anyone build anything significant in any field without having a deep and detailed sense of what they are building on  (Building Quotes) Sex for pleasure, for fun, or even for building relationships is completely absent from our national conversation. Yet taking the joy out of sexuality is a surefire way to ensure not that young women won’t have sex, but rather that they’ll have it without pleasure  (Building Quotes) It’s not about rugby, it’s about young men. It’s not about building a championship team, it’s about building championship boys. Boys who will be forever strong  (Building Quotes) You know, as most entrepreneurs do, that a company is only as good as its people. The hard part is actually building the team that will embody your company culture and propel you forward  (Building Quotes) Building a successful life is much like building anything else: it should be thoroughly thought about in advance and then carried through to completion  (Building Quotes) One of the great things about building a tech company is the amazing people that you can hire  (Building Quotes) Over the last ten years, technological advances have dramatically lowered the financial bar for starting a new company, but the courage bar for building a great company remains as high as it has ever been  (Building Quotes) Anyone can build a building that protects people from heat, sun and cold. What I am determined to do is to make a stage where people can be sexier and more brilliant, a place where they can awake smarter  (Building Quotes) Any relationship between a building and its users is one of violence, for any use means the intrusion of a human body into a given space, the intrusion of one order into another  (Building Quotes) Concepts differentiate architecture from mere building... A bicycle shed with a concept is architecture; a cathedral without one is just a building  (Building Quotes) Today, when so much seems to conspire to reduce life and feeling to the most deprived and demeaning bottom line, it is more important than ever that we receive that extra dimension of dignity or delight and the elevated sense of self that the art of building can provide through the nature of the places where we live and work. What counts more than style is whether architecture improves our experience of the built world; whether it makes us wonder why we never noticed places in quite this way before  (Building Quotes) The hardest part of the software task is arriving at a complete and consistent specification, and much of the essence of building a program is in fact the debugging of the specification  (Building Quotes) There’s nothing better for building confidence than learning you can do something you thought you couldn’t  (Building Quotes) Driving stock up from one day to the next is not what we are about. We are about building a good company and performing for the long term. I know everyone says that, that sounds trite when I repeat it that way, but that is and has always been our attitude about our business. If we do the right things, the stock price will take care of itself, and our shareholders will be rewarded  (Building Quotes) So what used to fit in a building now fits in your pocket, what fits in your pocket now will fit inside a blood cell in 25 years  (Building Quotes) A preacher was operated on for a hernia. As this was about the time of the first world war he was given ether. As he was coming out of the anesthetic a fire broke out in the building next door. As the flames began to show through the hospital windows the nurse pulled the shades down. She didn’t want the preacher to think his operation had been a failure  (Building Quotes) Too often when we’re buying or building a house we do not consider each room. We are carried away by one charming feature and are blind to details that will give us trouble later on  (Building Quotes) I was fortunate enough to have baseball to teach me the values relative to success. The sport gifted me with leadership and team building skills that translate in a relatable way in the world  (Building Quotes) The art and science of memory is about developing the capacity to quickly create images that link disparate ideas. Creativity is the ability to form similar connections between disparate images and to create something new and hurl it into the future so it becomes a poem, or a building, or a dance, or a novel. Creativity is, in a sense, future memory  (Building Quotes) Life is the love that reaches out, building bridges across gulfs of uncertainty to touch hands, hearts, and souls in the experience of union  (Building Quotes) Trust, honesty, humility, transparency and accountability are the building blocks of a positive reputation. Trust is the foundation of any relationship  (Building Quotes) This building is like a book. Its architecture is the binding, its text is in the glass and sculpture  (Building Quotes) We’re all collectors by nature. But if you’re talking about an orderly life, there has to be a stop sign somewhere. Building a collection requires a strong constitution and the ability to resist  (Building Quotes) Extending social and economic development throughout the world and eliminating nuclear weapons from military arsenals are two fundamental prerequisites to replacing the culture of war with a culture of peace, and building true security for all the world’s people  (Building Quotes) We are terrible for each other, and, yes, we are a disaster. But tell me your heart doesn’t race for a hurricane or a burning building. I’d rather die terrified than live forever  (Building Quotes)
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