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Building Quotes

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What you need to do is build the house you will live in. You build that house by laying a solid foundation: by building physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health  (Building Quotes) If you are a gamer, it’s time to get over any regret you might feel about spending so much time playing games. You have not been wasting your time. You have been building up a wealth of virtual experience that, as the first half of this book will show you, can teach you about your true self: what your core strengths are, what really motivates you, and what make you happiest  (Building Quotes) Unlike a lot of other game companies that, once they launch a game, downsize their teams radically, our plan is to keep the team together and continue to focus on building content  (Building Quotes) The easiest thing to do is throw a rock. It’s a lot harder to create a stained glass window. I used to get upset at the people who threw rocks but now I’d rather spend my time building the stained glass windows  (Building Quotes) When corruption is king, there is no accountability of leadership and no trust in authority. Society devolves to the basic units of family and self, to the basic instincts of getting what you can when you can, because you don’t believe anything better will ever come along. And when the only horizon is tomorrow, how can you care about the kind of nation you are building for your children and your grandchildren? How can you call on your government to address what ails society and build stronger institutions?  (Building Quotes) It’s time to stop building the shopping malls, the prisons, the stadiums and other tributes to all of our collective failures. It is time that we start building living monuments to hope and possibility  (Building Quotes) So many low income people have seen so many failed promises broken and seen so many quacks and sporadic medicines offered to them that building trust takes a lot of time, takes a lot of patience  (Building Quotes) The meaningful times, the meaningful people, even the people who were not so meaningful, but these people who have done things in your life that make you what you are, they’re bricks in the building that you are  (Building Quotes) Maybe to try to understand not just that we are living in a certain building or in a certain location, but to become aware that we are living on a planet that is going at enormous speed through the universe. For me it’s more a synonym. I read a picture not for what’s really going on there, I read it more for what is going on in our world generally  (Building Quotes) The starting point for building great relationships is making wise decisions about who we allow close to us. We need people who will build us up and take us forward, and good friends will do just that  (Building Quotes) It isn’t much use writing slogans on a wall if you plan to total the building  (Building Quotes) For some people, life is the process of knocking through walls to get out. For others, it is the building of walls  (Building Quotes) Everyday, it’s about building a practice that enables you to try and forget that you’re afraid  (Building Quotes) If we desire a society without discrimination, then we must not discriminate against anyone in the process of building this society. If we desire a society that is democratic, then democracy must become a means as well as an end  (Building Quotes) When you build a beautiful building, people love it. And the most sustainable building in the world is the one that’s loved  (Building Quotes) Building a portfolio around index funds isn’t really settling for the average. It’s just refusing to believe in magic  (Building Quotes) When you view marketing from the vantage point of the guerrilla, you realize that it’s your opportunity to help your prospects and customers succeed. They want to succeed at earning more money, building their company, losing weight, attracting a mate, becoming more fit, or quitting smoking. You can help them. You can show them how to achieve their goal. Marketing is not about you. It’s about them. I hope you never forget that  (Building Quotes) We’ve lost our competitive spirit. We’ve become so obsessed with making kids feel good about themselves that we’ve lost sight of building the skills they need to actually be good at things  (Building Quotes) If you’re building a startup or any sort of organization, take a few moments to reflect on the qualities that the people you most enjoy working with embody and the user experience of new people joining your organization, from the offer letter to their first day  (Building Quotes) Building up a weakness just makes you less disabled. Building a strength can take you to the top of the world  (Building Quotes) I’ve grown a lot as a player. I learned a lot, and I just have to keep building on that  (Building Quotes) Leadership is building a bridge that connects the vision with the purpose, in order to empower those who are around us  (Building Quotes) Unless you have tested the assumptions in your business model first, outside the building, your business plan is just creative writing  (Building Quotes) Spreadsheets are fiction. Believing in what you’re doing and what you’re building is what’s important  (Building Quotes) You think religion is what’s inside a little building filled with pretty lights from stained glass windows. But it’s not. It’s wings! Wings!  (Building Quotes) They work now with computers for building buildings and books, but not ever with new ideas  (Building Quotes) Try something. And never be afraid to fail. That failure is useful too. It’s just another building block  (Building Quotes) The greatest satisfaction, I think, is when a building opens and the public possesses it and you cut the umbilical cord and you see it taking on its own life. There’s no greater satisfaction  (Building Quotes) Building a career or a company is about living a few years of your life like most people won’t so that you can spend the rest of your life living at a level most people can’t  (Building Quotes) Our point of view is, lets not be so elitist that we can’t honor good, hard, dignified, ennobling work: people working with their hands, building things, putting up solar panels, weatherizing homes, working on organic agriculture, building wind farms. We don’t have robots in society, so somebody has to do that work. Lets make sure that the people who can use that work get a chance to do it. I see that as a first step toward bigger and better things  (Building Quotes)
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