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Building Quotes

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It is possible to make buildings by stringing together patterns, in a rather loose way. A building made like this, is an assembly of patterns. It is not dense. It is not profound. But it is also possible to put patterns together in such a way that many patterns overlap in the same physical space: the building is very dense; it has many meanings captured in a small space; and through this density, it becomes profound  (Building Quotes) The place to begin building any relationship is inside ourselves, inside our circle of influence, our own character  (Building Quotes) Nowadays almost all man’s improvements, so called, as the building of houses and the cutting down of the forest and of all large trees, simply deform the landscape, and make it more and more tame and cheap  (Building Quotes) Years of live storytelling and character acting have helped me with building vivid locations and scenes  (Building Quotes) I love creating individual short stories within chapters, but I want to get better at building consistent narratives from start to finish  (Building Quotes) You cannot hide any secret. If the artist succor his flagging spirits by opium or wine, his work will characterize itself as the effect of opium or wine. If you make a picture or a statue, it sets the beholder in that state of mind you had when you made it. If you spend for show, on building, or gardening, or on pictures, or on equipages, it will so appear. We are all physiognomists and penetrators of character, and things themselves are detective  (Building Quotes) It is the patient building of character, the intense struggle to realize the truth, which alone will tell in the future of humanity  (Building Quotes) I didn’t want to even stand next to any high rise building as long as I lived... I didn’t even want to go over a bridge  (Building Quotes) In an atmosphere of uniform density the most distant things seen through it, such as the mountains, in consequence of the great quantity of atmosphere which is between your eye and them, will appear blue. Therefore you should make the building... wall which is more distant less defined and bluer... five times as far away, make five times as blue  (Building Quotes) Sculpture is an art of the open air... I would rather have a piece of my sculpture put in a landscape, almost any landscape, than in, or on, the most beautiful building I know  (Building Quotes) In so far as he is a creator, the artist does not belong to a social group already moulded by a culture, but to a culture which he is by way of building up  (Building Quotes) Every building you come out of, there is a parasite there exercising his constitutional right to make money out of being a parasite, trying to take your photo. Frankly, folks, I go to work, I do my job. I really concentrate, and if you go to the cinema, pay your money and have a good time. That’s the end of it, as far as I’m concerned  (Building Quotes) The transaction will enable us to become a single source of integrated products and services that building owners want in order to optimize comfort and energy efficiency  (Building Quotes) Next to occupation is the building up of good taste. That is difficult, slow work. Few achieve it. It means all the difference in the world in the end  (Building Quotes) We pride ourselves on being the only species that understands the concept of risk, yet we have a confounding habit of worrying about mere possibilities while ignoring probabilities, building barricades against perceived dangers while leaving ourselves exposed to real ones  (Building Quotes) Socialist democracy is not a luxury but an absolute, essential necessity for overthrowing capitalism and building socialism  (Building Quotes) When I moved into making sculpture, I could handle steel the way it had been handled in the technological revolution. I could use it the way bridge builders used it; I could use it the way they used it in industry and building and not the way it had been used in art  (Building Quotes) Shedding the carapace we have been building so assiduously on the surface, we must by definition give up exactly what we thought was necessary to protect us from further harm  (Building Quotes) Writing a novel is like building a wall brick by brick; only amateurs believe in inspiration  (Building Quotes) It’s about how the players play and compete. I know everybody is going to equate that on winning or losing, like they always do, but if we play hard and compete well in the game.. then I think we are building on something  (Building Quotes) People think you must be crackers if you’ve got a psychologist but psychology is part of the building bricks to make a top athlete  (Building Quotes) When you start to build a serious wardrobe, the navy blazer is the very first piece you should choose. It can be a building block for an entire work and casual wardrobe  (Building Quotes) You want a better, more fraternal, more just world? Well then, start building it: Who is stopping you? Build it inside yourself and around you, build it with those who want it. Build it small, and it will grow  (Building Quotes) We are not engaged in domestic politics, in church building or in social uplift work, but we are engaged in nation building  (Building Quotes) You know we’re constantly taking. We don’t make most of the food we eat, we don’t grow it, anyway. We wear clothes other people make, we speak a language other people developed, we use a mathematics other people evolved and spent their lives building. I mean we’re constantly taking things. It’s a wonderful ecstatic feeling to create something and put it into the pool of human experience and knowledge  (Building Quotes) Nature is ever at work building and pulling down, creating and destroying, keeping everything whirling and flowing, allowing no rest but in rhythmical motion, chasing everything in endless song out of one beautiful form into another  (Building Quotes) It’s a beautiful, distinctive art, and shoes are like the foundations. If the foundations aren’t right, the building won’t stand upright, and if a woman’s balance isn’t right, nothing else is  (Building Quotes) The fun is in always building something. After it’s built, you play with it awhile and then you’re through. You see, we never do the same thing twice around here. We’re always opening up new doors  (Building Quotes) Disneyland will always be building and growing and adding new things... new ways of having fun, of learning things, and sharing the many exciting adventures which may be experienced here in the company of family and friends  (Building Quotes) How does humility manifest itself in leadership and in life? A humble person is more concerned about what is right than about being right, about acting on good ideas than having the ideas, about embracing new truth than defending outdated position, about building the team than exalting self, about recognizing contribution than being recognized for making it  (Building Quotes)
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