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Building Quotes

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We define a world. We build a house, then after building the house we enter into it and we never leave it  (Building Quotes) Healthy boundaries are important, but you may be building a brick wall when a picket fence would do  (Building Quotes) As a journalist, you sort of grind away, taking rejections as they come, building on whatever advances you’ve achieved  (Building Quotes) I think that the web and its various facets are incredibly useful in just building a fan base and getting your chops better  (Building Quotes) When individuals get crowbars and start prying open doors to loot, they’re not protesting. They’re not making a statement. They’re stealing. When they burn down a building, they’re committing arson  (Building Quotes) The traditional notion of an architect having a vision of a building and then drawing it either on paper or on a computer and then constructing it isnt really how architecture works, and in reality, the computer has a lot of influence on design  (Building Quotes) You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don’t break it. Don’t break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That’s not being faithful to what this country’s about  (Building Quotes) Don’t ask me about this building or that one, don’t look at what I do, see what I see  (Building Quotes) I know I draw without taking my pen off the page. I just keep going, and that my drawings I think of them as scribbles. I don’t think they mean anything to anybody except to me, and then at the end of the day, the end of the project, they wheel out these little drawings and they’re damn close to what the finished building is and it’s the drawing  (Building Quotes) Architecture is not all about the design of the building and nothing else, it is also about the cultural setting and the ambience, the whole affair  (Building Quotes) A strange thing - nails will hold a building together, but there’s nothing better for taking a man apart  (Building Quotes) I don’t think you get perfect couples. At best you get two people building something, and working at it, and loving each other, and doing their best to communicate  (Building Quotes) It always surprises me when donors who operate successful businesses assume that just building a school structure means that a community now has access to education. When creating a business, does renting an office space now mean that you’re producing goods, training staff and generating revenues?  (Building Quotes) At the same time, on the networks, there are thousands of groups that are building lifestreams, or lifestreaming for themselves in their own way. We’d love to see this activity  (Building Quotes) Building weapons that we don’t need, don’t work, and aren’t necessary, and have no mission? that’s not bad politics, that’s robbery  (Building Quotes) When building sand castles on the beach, we can ignore the waves but should watch the tide  (Building Quotes) If I want to do action, you don’t really get to do it. They don’t let you, there’s too much on the line to let you jump out of a building  (Building Quotes) I support the world and love everybody. It’s about spreading love and breaking down barriers, not building up hate  (Building Quotes) It’s really nice to work with people who understand and really love the artistry of building sets, it’s great  (Building Quotes) If we could just stop building up armies and things like that, we would have all the money we need for wildlife and poverty  (Building Quotes) Whatever comes to us in life we create first in our mentality. As the building is a reality in all its details in the architects mind before a stone or brick is laid, so we create mentally everything which later becomes a reality in our achievement  (Building Quotes) The essential functions of the mind consist in understanding and in inventing, in other words, in building up structures by structuring reality  (Building Quotes) The core tenant of what I teach is there are no facts inside the building. When we come up with a new idea, we tend to slide into our own reality distortion field to convince ourselves and others. And that’s not healthy  (Building Quotes) More people are interested in trying to shuffle paper assets around than building lasting assets by producing real goods  (Building Quotes) If you love someone, when it’s the most real, the most important thing in your life, it’s not enough to coast. You need to dig in those footers, start building on that base. You want something to last, you put your back into it  (Building Quotes) To write music is to raise a ladder without a wall to lean it against. There is no scaffolding: the building under construction is held in balance only by the miracle of a kind of internal logic, an innate sense of proportion  (Building Quotes) If the experience of leadership is like being at the edge of an unfamiliar chasm, the act of leadership is building a bridge across that chasm  (Building Quotes) Death has an energy. It is thick as sludge, heavy as iron, and pulls you down into yourself like an imploding building  (Building Quotes) If you’re not smiling at yourself in the mirror, you probably need to check that the life you’re building is aligned to the life you dreamed for yourself. And if you’re not dreaming, you need to start dreaming  (Building Quotes) If you are building a culture where honest expectations are communicated and peer accountability is the norm, then the group will address poor performance and attitudes  (Building Quotes)
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