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Building Quotes

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Why are we building golf courses? Because we enjoy being outside, bringing man and nature together  (Building Quotes) Why not invest in the future of music, instead of building fortresses to preserve its past?  (Building Quotes) You need to be in the position where it is the cost of the fuel that actually matters and not the cost of building the rocket in the first place  (Building Quotes) As recent as the year 2000 we won elections by saying we shouldn’t be the policemen of the world, and that we should not be nation building. And its time we got those values back into this country  (Building Quotes) If a building looks better under construction than it does when finished, then it’s a failure  (Building Quotes) A free economy and strong communities honor the dignity of every person, rewarding effort with justice, promoting upward mobility, and building solidarity among citizens  (Building Quotes) I have often wondered what it is an old building can do to you when you happen to know a little about things that went on long ago in that building  (Building Quotes) Europe has always represented a major strategic opportunity to achieve our goal of creating and building an enduring global brand  (Building Quotes) In fact, the socialization gives us the tools to fill our evolutionary roles. They are our building blocks  (Building Quotes) When the president during the campaign said he was against nation building, I didn’t realize he meant our nation  (Building Quotes) The clock of communism has stopped striking. But its concrete building has not yet come crashing down. For that reason, instead of freeing ourselves, we must try to save ourselves from being crushed by its rubble  (Building Quotes) When we are victorious on a world scale I think we shall use gold for the purpose of building public lavatories in the streets of some of the largest cities of the world  (Building Quotes) Only by abolishing private property in land and building cheap and hygienic dwellings can the housing problem be solved  (Building Quotes) If the design of the building be originally bad, the only virtue it can ever possess will be signs of antiquity  (Building Quotes) Hypotheses are only the pieces of scaffolding which are erected round a building during the course of construction, and which are taken away as soon as the edifice is completed  (Building Quotes) Wisdom is a solid and entire building, of which every piece keeps its place and bears its mark  (Building Quotes) People become house builders through building houses, harp players through playing the harp. We grow to be just by doing things which are just  (Building Quotes) Nature does not complete things. She is chaotic. Man must finish, and he does so by making a garden and building a wall  (Building Quotes) Union of the weakest develops strength not wisdom. Can all men, together, avenge one of the leaves that have fallen in autumn? But the wise man avenges by building his city in snow  (Building Quotes) The way it is now, the asylums can hold the sane people, but if we tried to shut up the insane we should run out of building materials  (Building Quotes) There is the happiness which comes from creative effort. The joy of dreaming, creating, building, whether in painting a picture, writing an epic, singing a song, composing a symphony, devising new invention, creating a vast industry  (Building Quotes) Ever building, building to the clouds, still building higher, and never reflecting that the poor narrow basis cannot sustain the giddy tottering column  (Building Quotes) It’s not about an opening weekend. It’s about a career, building a set of films you’re proud of. Period  (Building Quotes) There wasn’t much as a kid that inspired me in what I did as an adult, but I was always very interested in what motivates people, and in telling stories and building things  (Building Quotes) Like all technology, social media is neutral but is best put to work in the service of building a better world  (Building Quotes) I would be the most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves  (Building Quotes) When you’re building a business or joining a company, you have to be transparent; you can’t have two sets of information for two sets of people  (Building Quotes) There’s an energy and excitement when you’re building a company. You have so much tail wind. You’re planting new seeds. But it’s also scary, because there’s no safety net  (Building Quotes) There I went again, building up a glamorous picture of a man who would love me passionately the minute he met me, and all out of a few prosy nothings  (Building Quotes) We spend our life building higher fences and stronger locks, when the gravest dangers are already inside  (Building Quotes)
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