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Building Quotes

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If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever  (Building Quotes) Sun worship is fairly simple. There’s no mystery, no miracles, no pageantry, no one asks for money, there are no songs to learn, and we don’t have a special building where we all gather once a week to pare compare clothing  (Building Quotes) Death is but an aspect of life, and the destruction of one material form is but a prelude to building up of another  (Building Quotes) Instead of building newer and larger weapons of mass destruction, I think mankind should try to get more use out of the ones we have  (Building Quotes) The good building is not one that hurts the landscape, but one which makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before the building was built  (Building Quotes) Starting a business is like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. In mid air, the entrepreneur begins building a parachute and hopes it opens before hitting the ground  (Building Quotes) We have to remember, when we forgive we’re not doing it just for the other person, we’re doing it for our own good. When we hold on to unforgiveness and we live with grudges in our hearts, all we’re doing is building walls of separation  (Building Quotes) The unwillingness to accept anything short of victory, that underlying fury, is the fundamental building block of my bottomless motivation to succeed. It is my credo in all that I do in life from battling cancer to bicycle racing  (Building Quotes) We are all one family in the world. Building a community that empowers everyone to attain their full potential through each of us respecting each other’s dignity, rights and responsibilities makes the world a better place to live  (Building Quotes) Language is a city, to the building of which every human being brought a stone; yet he is no more to be credited with the grand result than the acaleph which adds a cell to the coral reef which is the basis of the continent  (Building Quotes) Recreational development is a job not of building roads into lovely country, but of building receptivity into the still unlovely human mind  (Building Quotes) If we don’t invest now in building character into children we will surely invest more tomorrow in trying to repair adults  (Building Quotes) I never design a building before I’ve seen the site and met the people who will be using it  (Building Quotes) I love building the products, seeing people use the products but you know along with success comes the need for a dialogue with the government  (Building Quotes) I have been at work for some time building an apparatus to see if it is possible for personalities which have left this earth to communicate with us  (Building Quotes) Be sure that, as you scramble up the ladder of success, it is leaning against the right building  (Building Quotes) Most people spend their lives building financial houses of straws, which are susceptible to wind, fire, rain and big bad wolves  (Building Quotes) If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have started building a network marketing business  (Building Quotes) I avoid grandiose plans. I start with a small piece that I can do. I go to the root of the problem and then work around it. It’s building brick by brick  (Building Quotes) We must stop constantly fighting for human rights and equal justice in an unjust system, and start building a society where equal rights are an integral part of the design  (Building Quotes) You know, I’m going to start thanking the woman who cleans the restroom in the building I work in. I’m going to start thinking of her as a human being  (Building Quotes) Every leader needs to remember that a healthy respect for authority takes time to develop. It’s like building trust. You don’t instantly have trust, it has to be earned  (Building Quotes) Faithfulness to your husband means sticking up for him, always building him up and never tearing him down  (Building Quotes) We are intent on building a movement. The next step is grassroots town meetings. We must keep alive the dialogue around the covenants  (Building Quotes) Death destroys the body, as the scaffolding is destroyed after the building is up and finished. And he whose building is up rejoices at the destruction of the scaffolding and of the body  (Building Quotes) Destroying a religious symbol and building a religious center are really the same thing if you don’t think about it  (Building Quotes) Deliberately seek the company of people who influence you to think and act on building the life you desire  (Building Quotes) Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. It is a tool for daily life in modern society. It is a bulwark against poverty, and a building block of development, an essential complement to investments in roads, dams, clinics and factories  (Building Quotes) Dear young people, let me now ask you a question. What will you leave to the next generation? Are you building your lives on firm foundations, building something that will endure?  (Building Quotes) Real estate investing, even on a very small scale, remains a tried and true means of building an individual’s cash flow and wealth  (Building Quotes)
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