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Building Quotes

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The building is a special place because of its architecture; But it’s people who make it special by participating in it  (Building Quotes) A man doesn’t borrow pieces of his body. A building doesn’t borrow hunks of its soul. Its maker gives it the soul and every wall, window and stairway to express it  (Building Quotes) Capacity building originally meant helping people to help themselves. Now it means required training to deliver imposed policies  (Building Quotes) The 25th anniversary of the decision... is a call to people of good will to reflect. Now is the time for recommitment to the building of a culture of absolute respect for life  (Building Quotes) Building friendships with people from dissimilar backgrounds and diverse perspectives will make you wiser and more creative  (Building Quotes) Building a business is not rocket science, it’s about having a great idea and seeing it through with integrity  (Building Quotes) In an ever more open world, building peace through dialogue is no longer a choice but a necessity!  (Building Quotes) By working together, pooling our resources and building on our strengths, we can accomplish great things  (Building Quotes) Building your own business is the best way to become rich. Then you can begin investing in other assets  (Building Quotes) Part of building a new nation means building a spirit of tolerance, love and respect amongst the people of this country  (Building Quotes) In building a statue, a sculptor doesn’t keep adding clay to his subject. Actually, he keeps chiseling away at the nonessentials until the truth of his creation is revealed without obstruction  (Building Quotes) The essential building block is... the true love that is impossible to define for those who have never experienced it and unnecessary to define for those who have  (Building Quotes) If heaven existed as a physical building on earth, human beings would remodel it to make it right  (Building Quotes) Focus on building the best possible business. If you are great, people will notice and opportunities will appear  (Building Quotes) The difference between architecture and building is that the former expresses an idea, while the latter is merely a structure built on economical principles. The value of matter depends solely on its capacities of expressing ideas  (Building Quotes) Building a wardrobe is like building a circle of friends your whole life... Your own beauty is to be yourself, but of course we need tools and accessories  (Building Quotes) Whenever you are engaged in work that serves humanity and is for the building of humanity, it has dignity and it has worth  (Building Quotes) All of us will ultimately be judged on the effort we have contributed to building a new world order  (Building Quotes) Skillful pitching... is a necessary, but not sufficient, part of raising capital. More important are the realities of your organization: Are you building something meaningful, long lasting, and valuable to society?  (Building Quotes) The foundation stones of a great building are destined to groan and be pressed upon; it is not for them to crown the edifice  (Building Quotes) Building air castles is a harmless business as long as you don’t attempt to live in them  (Building Quotes) Noah took much ridicule building his great arc, but after 40 days and 40 nights he was looking pretty smart  (Building Quotes) I had a lot of coaches growing up that were very hard on the kids in the name of building character, but it could have the opposite effect on kids  (Building Quotes) That’s what building a body of work is all about. It’s about the daily labor, the many individual acts, the choices large and small that add up over time, over a lifetime to a lasting legacy. It’s about not being satisfied with the latest achievement, the latest gold star, because the one thing I know about a body of work is that it’s never finished. It’s cumulative. It deepens and expands with each day you give your best. You may have setbacks and you may have failures, but you’re not done  (Building Quotes) Men do not know the natural infirmity of their mind: it does nothing but ferret and quest, and keeps incessantly whirling around, building up and becoming entangled in its own work, like silkworms, and is suffocated in it. A mouse in a pitch barrel... thinks it notices from a distance some sort of glimmer of imaginary light and truth; but while running toward it, it is crossed by so many difficulties and obstacles, and diverted by so many new quests, that it strays from the road, bewildered  (Building Quotes) The thought that all experience will be lost at the moment of my death makes me feel pain and fear... What a waste, decades spent building up experience, only to throw it all away... We remedy this sadness by working. For example, by writing, painting, or building cities  (Building Quotes) Community organizing is all about building grassroots support. It’s about identifying the people around you with whom you can create a common, passionate cause. And it’s about ignoring the conventional wisdom of company politics and instead playing the game by very different rules  (Building Quotes) They don’t understand what real treasure is. They see it in gold and copper, and tin. They see in herds of horses or cattle. They gather treasures to themselves, building great storehouses, which they guard ferociously. Then they die. What good is it then?  (Building Quotes) Our homes do not have to offer us permanent occupancy or store our clothes to merit the name. To speak of home in relation to a building is simply to recognise its harmony with our own prized internal song. Home can be an airport or a library, a garden or a motorway diner  (Building Quotes) Walks are never as good during the day. At night, when everyone’s apartments are lit up and you can see inside, that’s where the action is. Everything about this fascinates me. Windows, lampposts, building facades. Looking into other people’s lives. The way it all comes together, this entity greater than the sum of its parts. I feel inspired. I’m excited about my future life  (Building Quotes)
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