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Building Quotes

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Dear disgruntled artists: The key to success isn’t kicking down the door; it’s building your own  (Building Quotes) There was a strange atmosphere on the set because we were filming in this large house, which was used for troubled children. You’d go in and find walls had been burnt down. The building was charged with this history and it stayed with us throughout the filming  (Building Quotes) There’s such a big buzz around boxing at the moment. Everything’s happening and there’s so much building up with a lot of young talent coming through  (Building Quotes) We have the responsibility to protect our people and that’s why we’re building this fence. We’ve suffered from 19,000 terrorist attacks during the last three years  (Building Quotes) Then I have a head mounted display which actually was designed for the military to do synchronized building entries and that’s looking down at my hands, so projected on the big screen behind me, you can see my hands as I’m putting the tracks together  (Building Quotes) I think the day you start building the war plan is the day you start beginning the postwar plan  (Building Quotes) It’s certainly not just a spot opinion; it’s something that obviously has been building up for years. It is also very good for publicity, and it is the kind of recognition that maybe will help financially, also  (Building Quotes) I’ve been doing a lot of learning from mistakes, first and foremost, and building off that  (Building Quotes) Some couples could not work together but we enjoy working on our projects and building our art business  (Building Quotes) When we did the pilot, I sort of pictured this guy pirating a signal and then this story unfolding of him building this satellite and these robots and watching these bad movies  (Building Quotes) Well, by the end of the millennium, five, six months from now, we hope to somehow manage to move into a new location where we have the whole building, so we can devote space to all our activities  (Building Quotes) Building is just skilled labor, I suppose. It’s a lot of work. I don’t mind other people building them, but the way things go together and are made is interesting to me; I like that a lot  (Building Quotes) It wasn’t all spent on practicing, I did do other things! But the classical guitar means a lot to me so I spend many hours building good chops and getting a good program together  (Building Quotes) I suppose the reason I chose electrical engineering was because I had always been interested in electricity, involving myself in such projects as building radios from the time I was a child  (Building Quotes) It was evident that the treatment program’s building was a place where miracles happen  (Building Quotes) Seen through the glow of a building orgasm, a woman seems to blaze with angelic glory  (Building Quotes) We’ve fallen way behind. Building one space station for everyone was and is insane: we should have built a dozen  (Building Quotes) I’m not concerned with body building; I’m just trying to make people normal human beings  (Building Quotes) We need heuristic reasoning when we construct a strict proof as we need scaffolding when we erect a building  (Building Quotes) I do not believe that ever any building was truly great, unless it had mighty masses, vigorous and deep, of shadow mingled with its surface  (Building Quotes) Beyond building the world of the film, I have to build the infrastructure around how we’re making it  (Building Quotes) There is nothing to which an architect should devote more thought than to the exact proportions of his building with reference to a certain part selected as the standard  (Building Quotes) Both the forces of good and evil will keep the universe alive for us, until we awake from our dreams and give up this building of mud pies  (Building Quotes) A joke is like building a mousetrap from scratch. You have to work pretty hard to make the thing snap when it is supposed to snap  (Building Quotes) By building relations we create a source of love and personal pride and belonging that makes living in a chaotic world easier  (Building Quotes) Some people may get in to the building without the proper passes and things, but I think that’s the price you pay for being an open place for people to come  (Building Quotes) And I also take photos of hydrogen bomb, from another part of the building. It was not part of my job, but I succeeded to go and take photos of the hydrogen bomb  (Building Quotes) Barry and I were in the middle of building a house, and I was in the midst of having a nervous breakdown, because that’s what you do when you build a house  (Building Quotes) Allow yourself a moment of grief when life’s misfortunes visit you. However, do not spend your days building a monument in honor of them  (Building Quotes) While they’re building a solid foundation that will support whatever is coming down the road, todd and I are itching to see further, to push the envelope  (Building Quotes)
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