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Building Quotes

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We laid the track on a smooth stretch of ground about one hundred feet north of the new building  (Building Quotes) Because, if we understand how a building is to be produced and we find a way that it can be more simply produced, then obviously we are contributing to building better buildings more easily  (Building Quotes) In other words, each piece of the building must look as though it was designed for that particular building  (Building Quotes) Words impede and either kill, or are killed by, perfect thought; but they are, as a scaffolding, useful, if not indispensable, for the building up of imperfect thought and helping to perfect it  (Building Quotes) Don’t ask me how to burn down a building. As me how to grow watermelons or how to explain nature to a child. That is what I want to grow old doing. Please afford me this  (Building Quotes) This use of building blocks to generate internal models is a pervasive feature of complex adaptive systems  (Building Quotes) In total desperation, I called over to the engineering building, and I said, please cut off a nanosecond and send it over to me  (Building Quotes) What is already woven cannot be undone. It will not make the trees grow again for you to bring the building down on our heads  (Building Quotes) We focus on building innovation and inventing technology futures and we figure that it will take care of the rest. So far, it’s done wonders  (Building Quotes) The increasing size of the apparatus makes the construction more difficult in securing lightness in the machine; therefore the building of small apparatus is to be recommended  (Building Quotes) I think we need to change that old saying, I don’t need a building to fall on me. Because two did and we still don’t get it. I think we all stick our head in the sand as a deep human impulse  (Building Quotes) Sometimes you must cross a bridge and other times you need to burn it. But, always keep building one and never lose your faith in life  (Building Quotes) Rigid plans work best if you’re building a skyscraper; with something as mysteriously human as giving birth, it’s best, both literally and figuratively, to keep your knees bent  (Building Quotes) You must lance an ulcer to heal it. You must tear down parts of an old building to restore it, and so it is with a sensual life that has no spirit in it  (Building Quotes) No building was safe from the furniture, the pictures, the human beings that it would presently contain  (Building Quotes) Today whenever women gather together it is not necessarily nurturing. It is coalition building. And if you feel the strain, you may be doing some good work  (Building Quotes) A publisher is a specialized form of bank or building society, catering for customers who cannot cope with life and are therefore forced to write about it  (Building Quotes) A good wife is like the ivy which beautifies the building to which it clings, twining its tendrils more lovingly as time converts the ancient edifice into a ruin  (Building Quotes) Works without faith are like a fish without water, it wants the element it should live in. A building without a basis cannot stand; faith is the foundation, and every good action is as a stone laid  (Building Quotes) I have also a passionate desire to know what things really looked like when they were first built. So often we only see a building as it was restored in the nineteenth century  (Building Quotes) We’re building a great company, and we’re very excited about the future of the company  (Building Quotes) The two leading recipes for success are building a better mousetrap and finding a bigger loophole  (Building Quotes) I don’t think our troops ought to be used for what’s called nation building  (Building Quotes) Walls don’t work... Instead of building walls to create security, we need to build bridges  (Building Quotes) It would be a shame to lose the precious jewel of liberation in the mud of ignorant body building  (Building Quotes) I get just as excited about building a birdhouse as when providing strategic counsel to a client  (Building Quotes) Kind words are a creative force, a power that concurs in the building up of all that is good, and energy that showers blessings upon the world  (Building Quotes) Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures  (Building Quotes) The dialogue between client and architect is about as intimate as any conversation you can have, because when you’re talking about building a house, you’re talking about dreams  (Building Quotes) I think the moment that I’m very proud of is building a business without using animals. And, hopefully, changing people’s perception of how you can do luxury fashion  (Building Quotes)
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