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Building Quotes

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Put in an honest day’s work. It is the building block of a spiritual life.  (Building Quotes) The essential building block is...the true love that is impossible to define for those who have never experienced it and unnecessary to define for those who have.  (Building Quotes) I knew a girl so ugly, I took her to the top of the Empire State building and planes started to attack her.  (Building Quotes) Building the future holds more attraction than ancestor worship, whichever ancestor we’re talking about.  (Building Quotes) When I was 7, I went to school in Switzerland because everyone on my mom’s side of the family lives there. Then we were back in Australia, in Queensland. That’s where we had the chance to have lots of different animals. I spent a lot of time living in nature and building cubby houses in big old trees by the ocean.  (Building Quotes) Bobby Martin has another project. He’s building a house. He’s out there at 6 o’clock in the morning hammering nails.  (Building Quotes) I once called construction companies to bid on an addition to the school library so that there would suddenly be people outside, measuring the building. ‘Who authorized this?’ the principal would ask. The answer: ‘Howie Mandel.’  (Building Quotes) Judging by their positions at the time, rather than their post hoc allegations, Democrats adored the Soviet Union. Congressional Democrats repeatedly opposed funding anti-Communist rebels, they opposed Reagan’s military build-up, they opposed building a shield to protect America from incoming missiles, they opposed putting missiles in Europe. As a rule, Democrats opposed anything opposed by their cherished Soviet Union.  (Building Quotes) Well, we think the broadcasts did have some effect, because we see the antiwar movement in the U.S. building up, growing and so we think that our broadcast is a support to this antiwar movement.  (Building Quotes) The character of Rosie is based on a woman who used to live in the same apartment building I lived in many years ago. She’s taken on a life of her own, of course.  (Building Quotes) I always go to the Agriculture Building, where they make apple cider popsicles for a dollar  (Building Quotes) It’s important for people who criticise architects - whether what they build is or isn’t to your taste - to appreciate how they devote themselves and put everything into bringing a building into existence.  (Building Quotes) Teachers have the hardest and most important jobs in America. They’re building our nation. And we should appreciate them, respect them, and pay them well.  (Building Quotes) People say I design architectural icons. If I design a building and it becomes an icon, that’s ok.  (Building Quotes) The building is a national tragedy - a cross between a concrete candy box and a marble sarcophagus in which the art of architecture lies buried.  (Building Quotes) You don’t have to spend much time in Shanghai before you start to get all existential about the meaning of authenticity. Did you know that Shanghai is building nine satellite towns, each designed to mimic the architecture and culture of a different country?  (Building Quotes) The bungalow had more to do with how Americans live today than any other building that has gone remotely by the name of architecture in our history.  (Building Quotes) Remember the importance of small actions. They’re the building blocks in the architecture of your life, the quiet victories you win for yourself each day.  (Building Quotes) My architecture tends to be legible, light and flexible. You can read it. You look at a building, and you can see how it is constructed. I put the structure outside.  (Building Quotes) I love building spaces: architecture, furniture, all of it, probably more than fashion. The development procedure is more tactile. It’s about space and form and it’s something you can share with other people.  (Building Quotes) Of course I believe imaginative architecture can make a difference to people’s lives, but I wish it was possible to divert some of the effort we put into ambitious museums and galleries into the basic architectural building blocks of society.  (Building Quotes) The traditional notion of an architect having a vision of a building and then drawing it either on paper or on a computer and then constructing it isn’t really how architecture works, and in reality, the computer has a lot of influence on design.  (Building Quotes) One can build the Empire State Building, discipline the Prussian army, make a state hierarchy mightier than God, yet fail to overcome the unaccountable superiority of certain human beings.  (Building Quotes) God is building an army all over the place, in Hollywood as well. So it feels good to be a part of it.  (Building Quotes) All over the world, young males and females, schooled in the art of patriarchal thinking, are building an identity on a foundation that sees the will to do violence as the essential way to assert being.  (Building Quotes) You’re building a tool, not a piece of art. Don’t be blinded by the vision.  (Building Quotes) This art of acting is a process I love very much. It’s an unbelievably fulfilling experience for me and I look forward to building upon my art in the years to come.  (Building Quotes) A lot of my building blocks - who I am kind of as an artist - all came from being in L.A  (Building Quotes) When people ask me, ‘Are you happy?’ I respond with, ‘You’ve asked the wrong question.’ There is a deep kind of satisfaction you get from building a company. This kind of satisfaction transcends happy, sad, hard, or easy. I seek satisfaction. I want to be positively disruptive.  (Building Quotes) In an honest effort to gain understanding, asking questions do not, necessarily, imply a conclusion has been determined. They can be used to avoid making the wrong judgement. If building trust is the ultimate goal - there is no need to be defensive, or feel threatened by any inquiry.  (Building Quotes)
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