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Building Quotes

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Democrats believe in reigniting the American dream by removing barriers to success and building ladders of opportunity for all, so everyone can succeed.  (Building Quotes) Building a portfolio around index funds isn’t really settling for the average. It’s just refusing to believe in magic.  (Building Quotes) Far be it for the public schools to teach this, but the U.S.A. was founded on basic Judeo-Christian principles. Don’t believe me - take a trip to Washington D.C. and tour the Supreme Court building. There you will see a sculpted copy of the Ten Commandments on the wall.  (Building Quotes) The benefit to building a startup is that customers don’t have the same kind of friction when they adopt new technology.  (Building Quotes) Despite several millennia of building best business practices, despite all the analysis and planning, and forced discipline and structure, what makes us human will never be cleaved from how work gets done.  (Building Quotes) There was a boy in my building who was my best friend when I was growing up. There was also a mysterious person on my corner who we called the Laughing Man.  (Building Quotes) My best investment, as cliched as this sounds, is the money I’ve spent developing myself, via books, workshops and coaching. Leadership begins within, and to have a better career, start by building a better you.  (Building Quotes) When you’re thinking about building your own online dating profile, especially on OkCupid, you should go through the same steps you’re thinking about when you’re going out to meet someone new. You want to put your best foot forward.  (Building Quotes) Figure out what you do best, and build a team second to none around that# 1 Requirement in building first class companies.  (Building Quotes) Building capacities for the young generation is going to make a better generation and a better future tomorrow for Africa.  (Building Quotes) Do not hide behind utopian logic which says that until we have the perfect security environment, nuclear disarmament cannot proceed. This is old-think. This is the mentality of the Cold War era. We must face the realities of the 21st century. The Conference on Disarmament can be a driving force for building a safer world and a better future.  (Building Quotes) Building a better future will depend on our ability to appreciate generational differences  (Building Quotes) The environmental movement could do a better job incorporating the message about the connection between poverty and environmental degradation, and building that message at the grassroots level.  (Building Quotes) Building a road might create temporary jobs, but does it really create wealth if it doesn’t also shorten commute times or otherwise make society better off?  (Building Quotes) Is there anything in the world better than words on the page? Magic signs, the voices of the dead, building blocks to make wonderful worlds better than this one, comforters, companions in loneliness. Keepers of secrets, speakers of the truth...all those glorious words.  (Building Quotes) I started out doing something little. I went to Africa to spend five weeks putting roofs on a building. I seen the small child that stepped on a land mine. Three months later, I’m back helping pull the land mines out. Little things just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.  (Building Quotes) The big problem that UWink had was we were essentially building tablets because they hadn’t been invented yet. That drove up the cost a lot.  (Building Quotes) I don’t know any nation on Earth that succeeded in creating a strong middle class with rising wages based on building a stronger and bigger government.  (Building Quotes) There’s such a big buzz around boxing at the moment. Everything’s happening and there’s so much building up with a lot of young talent coming through.  (Building Quotes) If I could change the science system, my prescription for changing the whole thing would be organising it around big goals and building teams to do it.  (Building Quotes) I am a big PETA supporter, and their East Coast headquarters is the Sam Simon building, and their West Coast headquarters is in the Bob Barker building.  (Building Quotes) Building a company isn’t that different from climbing a big mountain. You need people helping you traverse treacherous paths and to lift you up when you fall.  (Building Quotes) I was interested in big unknowns, and the brain is one of the biggest, so building tools that allow us to regard the brain as a big electrical circuit appealed to me.  (Building Quotes) I was always dressing up as a kid in the backyard, building some sort of fort and having battles against imaginary enemies. It’s often that same feeling when you’re pretending for a living, but it’s with bigger toys.  (Building Quotes) Building outrageous expectations about the next big thing - be it a personal video chatting service or venue-based photo sharing app - can create all sorts of complications when things don’t go as planned.  (Building Quotes) The idea for a building or an object can come up just as quick, but there is a big difference in process.  (Building Quotes) As an entrepreneur, one of the biggest challenges you will face will be building your brand. The ultimate goal is to set your company and your brand apart from the crowd. If you form a strategy without doing the research, your brand will barely float - and at the speed industries move at today, brands sink fast.  (Building Quotes) I don’t think there was enough skepticism because I think most of us kind of believed that Saddam Hussein was building biological, chemical, and perhaps even, nuclear weapons.  (Building Quotes) The system of creating opportunities for those who were by law excluded, you’ve got to do that. But you mustn’t create a perception that the process is devoid of competitiveness... devoid of building a world class, sustainable black business community.  (Building Quotes) Malcolm X envisions a broad-based pluralistic united front, which is spearheaded by the Nation of Islam, but mobilizing integrationist organizations, non-political organizations, civic groups, all under the banner of building black empowerment, human dignity, economic development, political mobilization.  (Building Quotes)
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