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Building Quotes

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Geeks are a critical driver of America’s innovation ecosystem, from the entrepreneurs launching startups in Silicon Valley to the scientists experimenting in university research labs to the whiz kids building gadgets in their parents’ garages.  (Building Quotes) You can talk about and think about Muslims as you want, but you can’t stop Muslims from building a mosque. You can hate Muslims from the comfort of your house or publicly, but when that becomes stopping Muslims from building a mosque or worshipping, then we are crossing the line into something else.  (Building Quotes) Auctomatic was a compressed start-up experience, going from start to launch to acquisition in under a year. We spent a long time building the product before getting our first customer, whereas with Stripe we made sure we had paying customers from the very start.  (Building Quotes) Building positive customer experiences will help create passionate customers who will spread your message on their behalf - almost like an evangelist.  (Building Quotes) Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. It is a tool for daily life in modern society. It is a bulwark against poverty, and a building block of development... For everyone, everywhere, literacy is, along with education in general, a basic human right.... Literacy is, finally, the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child can realize his or her full potential.  (Building Quotes) Many rich people in China made their fortunes by damaging natural resources and building corrupt relations with the government.  (Building Quotes) It’s harder for men to imagine themselves as the girl in the movies than it is for me to imagine myself as Daniel Craig bringing down the building.  (Building Quotes) One of the things that I’ve always loved to do is brainstorm ideas with friends and get together and talk about what they’re building... Essentially, my day-to-day is just going around and meeting entrepreneurs and talking to them about what they plan on launching.  (Building Quotes) The activity of modern poets stands under the decree of necessity, as though they were building a pyramid, the monstruos residence of a dead King or an unborn God.  (Building Quotes) I’m 64 years old and, yeah, I went through a transition in my life last year, with the death of my son, that woke me up to a lot of things. You know, I’m perfectly happy in my own little groove. Marching along, building my company, and you know, a happy person.  (Building Quotes) I started doing commercials in 2008 right after we released Death Race, and the reason was that I spent two years prepping Death Race and building all these custom rigs to shoot cars in the most dynamic and exciting way.  (Building Quotes) You’ve got the Democratic Party that now depends on more government spending and actual building the dependence on government in order to increase their political party.  (Building Quotes) The level of detail and craft is something that’s inscribed within the original design concept. And so when I begin to draw, I know what kind of detailing I want the building to have.  (Building Quotes) When you design a building, you start from a general philosophy, and you come down, and you start from detail and come up. Only the theoretical architect believes that you can make the concept and then sometime, somebody will come to build it.  (Building Quotes) Scripts are very different to books. They are blueprints for building, not the building.  (Building Quotes) We walk the same path, but got on different shoes, live in the same building, but we got different views  (Building Quotes) Of course the Silicon Valley is unique and Berlin is not yet comparable. But of all the different cities that are building a startup infrastructure, Berlin is the one with the most similar energy.  (Building Quotes) Stories of all lengths and depths come from different parts of the cave. For a novel, you must lay in mental, physical and spiritual provision as for a siege or for a time of hectic explosions, while a short story is, or can be, a steady, timed flame like the lighting of a blow lamp on a building site full of dry tinder.  (Building Quotes) ...a major triumph of mathematical imagination: the use of visual imagery to condense a large quantity of information into a single comprehensible picture... Mathematicians are just beginning to understand these basic building blocks of change and to analyze how they combine. The methodology involved has a very different spirit from traditional modeling with differential equations: it is more like chemistry than calculus, requiring careful counterpoint between analysis and synthesis.  (Building Quotes) We are creating a unique experience. It’s starts with how you see the building from a distance.  (Building Quotes) Sometimes I get extremely disturbed with the things that are written. But you can’t do anything about it. As a celebrity, you are putting yourself out there to be judged, and that’s fine. I am now learning not to get affected by such things. I am building my career and making choices that I think are right while minding my own business.  (Building Quotes) The other day, I was walking my dog around my building . . . on the ledge. Some people are afraid of heights. Not me, I’m afraid of widths.  (Building Quotes) There’s a lot of good that’s done for society in building businesses, but it’s also great to be involved in those things where you can be connected to the community, to the world, and think about how you can use what you’re creating, both in terms of your personal skills as well as your products or services to do good things for others.  (Building Quotes) When I was growing up in Chicago, my family and I used to go to a local chain, Hackney’s, for burgers and their French fried onion loaf. I probably haven’t been to one in 25 years, and yet, I once saw Donald Trump from behind in an office building and the first thing that flashed in my mind was his hair looked like that onion loaf.  (Building Quotes) [Malcolm X] shared with Marcus Garvey a commitment to building strong black institutions. He shared with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a commitment to peace and the freedom of racialized minorities.  (Building Quotes) Stop making some excuses on why you can’t pursue your true passion in life. You could start building your passion on the side until it grows big enough to substitute your regular job, and then you could concentrate fulltime on your passion and drive it to greatness.  (Building Quotes) The Obama administration has vastly expanded the use of armed drones and concentrated a great deal of diplomatic effort on building and maintaining alliances that share information about terrorists, provide access to get near them, and then strike against them.  (Building Quotes) When I was building robots in the early 1990s, the problems of voice recognition, image understanding, VOIP, even touchscreen technologies - these were robotics problems.  (Building Quotes) Building discipline, earning respect and overcoming adversity are all parts of a winning game plan. If you don’t have a game plan, where are you going? When I’m talking about a game plan, I’m talking about how you go about being the best player you can be and how you go about being successful in life.  (Building Quotes) Building on our Young South-east Asian Leaders Initiative, I’m hopeful that we can continue expand the ties and cooperation between our young people and students.  (Building Quotes)
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