Buildings Quotes

Text Quotes
I’d get kicked out of buildings all day long, people would rip up my business card in my face. It’s a humbling business to be in. But I knew I could sell and I knew I wanted to sell something I had created. I cut the feet out of those pantyhose and I knew I was on to something. This was it (Buildings Quotes)
And autos are not the only product that could be made more energy efficient if we just put in place sensible requirements. This is also true of many appliances and even of entire buildings (Buildings Quotes)
Films and gramophone records, music, books and buildings show clearly how vigorously a man’s life and work go on after his death, whether we feel it or not, whether we are aware of the individual names or not. There is no such thing as death according to our view! (Buildings Quotes)
In reality some images or drawings have a greater impact than many buildings that are built (Buildings Quotes)
Even on a personal note, my dressing table downstairs is crowded with things, like a mini landscape. It’s a city with buildings and towers and roads. There’s a pool and a little park. When I move something around it becomes a different tableau (Buildings Quotes)
In every area of the world where there is earthquake risk, there are still many buildings of this type; it is very frustrating to try to get rid of them (Buildings Quotes)
Japans humid and warm summer climate, as well as frequent earthquakes resulted in lightweight timber buildings raised off the ground that are resistant to earth tremors (Buildings Quotes)
I was primarily interested in people, and people in action, so that I did nothing photographically in the sense of doing buildings for their own sake or a still life or anything like that (Buildings Quotes)
Credit card companies pay college students generously to stand outside dining halls, dorms, and academic buildings and encourage their fellow students to apply for credit cards (Buildings Quotes)
One or two of the trips were a bit scary. Soldiers had me at gun point on one trip, locked me in my van all night and escorted me in and out of buildings when I wanted to wash (Buildings Quotes)
Kolkata is a great city, has great food and great people. We had some problems finding the kind of old buildings we were looking for, and even handling the crowds, but on the whole it was fun shooting there (Buildings Quotes)
We can appreciate but not really understand the medieval town. We cannot comprehend its compactness, the contiguity of all its buildings as a single uninterrupted whole (Buildings Quotes)
Buildings designed with careful attention to aesthetics arouse and enlighten their occupants and that promotes their good health (Buildings Quotes)
I don’t usually go in for reviews of buildings that aren’t yet built, since you can tell only so much from drawings and plans, and, besides, has there ever been a building that didn’t look great as a model? (Buildings Quotes)
Detroit is a city that really stands out. It’s been through a very difficult time. There’s been a lot of pain here, and the city, physically, has suffered. You can see it in certain neighborhoods, and there’s buildings downtown that have been abandoned (Buildings Quotes)
You can’t create a monster, then whine when it stomps on a few buildings (Buildings Quotes)
When drawings of the main buildings I have designed in the last five years are juxtaposed, the fact that they all involve the pursuit of certain configurations is obvious to anyone (Buildings Quotes)
The past is still visible. The buildings haven’t changed, the layout of the streets hasn’t changed. So memory is very available to me as I walk around (Buildings Quotes)
Melbourne is wonderfully altered since I last saw it. There are some very fair buildings in it now, and things are a little cheaper than they used to be (Buildings Quotes)
The past is what provides us with the building blocks. Our job today is to create new buildings out of them (Buildings Quotes)
If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever (Buildings Quotes)
I get bored with establishing shots of people getting out of cars and walking into buildings, getting into elevators and then 45 seconds later they have a line (Buildings Quotes)
I feel this is very important for us to have serene buildings because our civilization is chaotic as it is, you see; our whole machine age has brought about a chaos that has to be somehow counterbalanced, I think (Buildings Quotes)
I have been criticized rather strenuously by painters and sculptors for not incorporating their work in our buildings (Buildings Quotes)
When I was a fireman I was in a lot of burning buildings. It was a great job, the only job I ever had that compares with the thrill of acting (Buildings Quotes)
I don’t think all buildings have to be iconic, but the history of the world has shown us that cultures build iconic buildings for their major public buildings (Buildings Quotes)
Had I listened to my agent, I’d be running around in tights, climbing buildings and stuff (Buildings Quotes)
High among the unpredictable variables that endanger the survival of worthy buildings are the vagaries of taste (Buildings Quotes)
One of the stated goals of the postmodern movement in architecture was a greater sensitivity to the people who live in or use newly designed buildings (Buildings Quotes)
There was a sky somewhere above the tops of the buildings, with stars and a moon and all the things there are in a sky, but they were content to think of the distant street lights as planets and stars. If the lights prevented you from seeing the heavens, then preform a little magic and change reality to fit the need. The street lights were now planets and stars and moon (Buildings Quotes)