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Many people nowadays live in a series of interiors... disconnected from each other. On foot everything stays connected, for while walking one occupies the spaces between those interiors in the same way one occupies those interiors. One lives in the whole world rather than in interiors built up against it  (Built Quotes) Ancient astronauts didn’t build the pyramids. Human beings built the pyramids, because they’re clever and they work hard  (Built Quotes) Jedi do not fight for peace. That’s only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace. We fight for justice because justice is the fundamental bedrock of civilization: an unjust civilization is built upon sand. It does not long survive a storm  (Built Quotes) A kid might help another kid who fell into a river, and a kid might help another kid search for a lost baseball, but there isn’t a kid I’ve met who will help another kid out of a humiliating situation. We just aren’t built that way  (Built Quotes) The road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination  (Built Quotes) Because civilization isn’t a thing that you build and then there it is, you have it forever. It needs to be built constantly, recreated daily. It vanishes far more quickly than he ever would have thought possible. And if he wishes to live, he must do what he can to prevent the world he wants to live in from fading away. As long as there’s war, life is a preventative measure  (Built Quotes) You can live with me in this house I’ve built out of writers blocks  (Built Quotes) It’s a weird curse, when you think about it. We’re built for thought, and civilization, more than any other creature we’ve found. And all we really want to be is killers  (Built Quotes) It’s not that he lacked poetry. But his poetry was of the body, not the mind. He spoke it in the way he moved, the way he held a hammer, rowed a boat, built a fire. I, on the other hand, was like a brain in a box, a beating heart in a coal scuttle  (Built Quotes) Our entire society is based on discontent. People wanting more and more and more. Being constantly dissatisfied with their homes, their bodies, their décor, their clothes, everything – taking it for granted that that’s the whole point of life. Never to be satisfied. If you are perfectly happy with what you got, especially if what you got isn’t even all the spectacular then you’re dangerous. You’re breaking all the rules. You’re undermining the sacred economy. You’re challenging every assumption that society is built on  (Built Quotes) The faculty of memory cannot be separated from the imagination. They go hand in hand. To one degree or another, we all invent our personal pasts. And for most of us those pasts are built from emotionally colored memories  (Built Quotes) Good marriages are built upon a combination of emotional love and a common commitment to a core of beliefs about what is important in life and what we wish to do with our lives. Speaking each other’s primary love language creates the emotional climate where these beliefs can be fleshed out in daily life  (Built Quotes) Live or die: mere consequences of what you have built. What matters is building well. So here we are I’ve assigned myself a new obligation. I’m going to stop undoing deconstructing I’m going to start building... What matters is what you are doing when you die... I want to be building  (Built Quotes) A boat is always safe in the harbor, but that’s not what boats are built for  (Built Quotes) I built you a sandcastle because you’re a princess, but I tore it down because I’m a loser  (Built Quotes) I wondered how many people there were in the world who suffered, and continued to suffer, because they could not break out from their own web of shyness and reserve, and in their blindness and folly built up a great distorted wall in front of them that hid the truth  (Built Quotes) We give people fish. We teach them to fish. We tear down the walls that have been built up around the fish pond. And we figure out who polluted it  (Built Quotes) A good peace, a solid peace, a peace in which communities can flourish, can only be built when we ask ourselves and each other to be more than just good, and better than just strong. And a good life, a meaningful life, a life in which we can enjoy the world and live with purpose, can only be built if we do more than live for ourselves  (Built Quotes) Suddenly, madness was everywhere, and I was determined to learn about the impact it had on the way society evolves. I’ve always believed society to be a fundamentally rational thing, but what if it isn’t? What if it is built on insanity?  (Built Quotes) A vocation is not something you slap on, like a coat of paint, and change whenever you want. A vocation is built into you. You have no choice. If you try to do something else, you fail  (Built Quotes) Of everything that man erects and builds in his urge for living nothing is in my eyes better and more valuable than bridges. They are more important than houses, more sacred than shrines. Belonging to everyone and being equal to everyone, useful, always built with a sense, on the spot where most human needs are crossing, they are more durable than other buildings and they do not serve for anything secret or bad  (Built Quotes) Some of us have great runways already built for us. If you have one, take off. But if you don’t have one, realize it is your responsibility to grab a shovel and build one for yourself and for those who will follow after you  (Built Quotes) Neel takes a sharp breath and I know exactly what it means. It means: I have waited my whole life to walk through a secret passage built into a bookshelf  (Built Quotes) Some crushes just never went away. They built, instead, into something permanent, obsessive and all consuming  (Built Quotes) Jazz was not only built in the minds of the great ones, but on the backs of the ordinary ones  (Built Quotes) The ideal weapons system is built in 435 congressional districts and it doesn’t matter whether it works or not  (Built Quotes) We imagine a school in which students and teachers excitedly and joyfully stretch themselves to their limits in pursuit of projects built on their vision... not one that succeeds in making apathetic students satisfying minimal standards  (Built Quotes) The artist’s personality, built upon strong desires and compassionate vision, is by its nature prone to depression  (Built Quotes) The human body was designed to walk, run or stop; it wasn’t built for coasting  (Built Quotes) The financial wealth that has been created is unprecedented. Even if the stock market, for argument’s sake, leveled off here, there’s been so much wealth built up that we really can feel spending for some time  (Built Quotes)
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