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The temple of truth is built indeed of stones of crystal, but, inasmuch as men have been concerned in rearing it, it has been consolidated by a cement composed of baser materials  (Built Quotes) Worship is our first or foundational ministry. It is not our only ministry, but the one that all other spheres of ministry should be built upon  (Built Quotes) As a child, I wanted to know how things worked and to control them. With a friend, I built a number of complicated models that I could control. It was a natural next step to want to know how the universe works  (Built Quotes) I hate the waiting room. Because it’s called the waiting room, there’s no chance of not waiting. It’s built, designed, and intended for waiting. Why would they take you right away when they’ve got this room all set up?  (Built Quotes) Progress in science is often built on wrong theories that are later corrected. It is better to be wrong than to be vague  (Built Quotes) Who can object to a monopoly when any new company, if it is built around a scientific nucleus, can create a new monopoly of its own by creating a wholly new field?  (Built Quotes) It is so rare as an actor to be allowed the chance to revisit a role and to go back to a character that you already built, and lived inside, and understood. To take it further to another stage is a huge privilege  (Built Quotes) What counts more than style is whether architecture improves our experience of the built world; whether it makes us wonder why we never noticed places in quite this way before  (Built Quotes) When we talk mathematics, we may be discussing a secondary language built on the primary language of the nervous system  (Built Quotes) It is the nature of the mind that makes individuals kin, and the differences in the shape, form or manner of the material atoms out of whose intricate relationships that mind is built are altogether trivial  (Built Quotes) If there are any cages in this marriage, it is I who have built them. And I who hold the key to their locks  (Built Quotes) Societies held together by fear and repression may offer the illusion of stability for a time, but they are built upon fault lines that will eventually tear asunder  (Built Quotes) Management must have a purpose, a dedication and that dedication must have an emotional commitment. It must be built in as a vital part of the personality of anyone who truly is a manager  (Built Quotes) The historical order is very interesting, but accidental and capricious; if we would to understand the growth of knowledge, we cannot be satisfied with accidents, we must explain how knowledge was gradually built up  (Built Quotes) Religion is an edifice built upon the dream of a beautiful world... Pity the dreamers are rarely builders  (Built Quotes) I built a jail in my closet and I would incarcerate my family from time to time  (Built Quotes) I love teaching people how to handle their money and I’ve built a brand on that skill  (Built Quotes) In film, movies schedules are based on three things: actors availabilities, when are sets being built, when you can rent the place you’re going to film in  (Built Quotes) When you dream, all the scenery, characters, events, perils, and outcomes are built from your own consciousness, the darks and oppressions as well as the delights. Same with the world awake, though it takes you longer to build it  (Built Quotes) Run as far as you can in the direction of your best and happiest dreams across the bridge that was built by your own desire to heal  (Built Quotes) Character is built out of circumstances. From exactly the same materials, one man builds palaces, while another builds hovels  (Built Quotes) Cathedrals do not seem to me to have been built. They seem, rather, stupendous growths of nature, like crystals, or cliffs of basalt  (Built Quotes) The classical city promoted play with careful solicitude, building the theater and stadium as it built the market place and the temple  (Built Quotes) We have built into the constitution of the human race the habit and desire of taking, as divorced from its natural precursor and concomitant of making  (Built Quotes) I know the human spirit. I haven’t found a wall that can be built that a determined human being can’t get over, under or around  (Built Quotes) In terms of the films I make, I’m just more excited about it if I’ve written it. It’s like living in a house that you’ve built rather than a rental  (Built Quotes) Monotony and repetition are characteristic of many parts of life, but these do not become sources of conscious discomfort until novelty and entertainment are built up as positive experiences  (Built Quotes) Art consists precisely in making us admire old stories, charming us with them eternally, as Nature charms with her eternal sun, her ancient earth, and her men built all on the same pattern, and all animated by the same feelings  (Built Quotes) Show me a healthy community with a healthy economy and I will show you a community that has its green infrastructure in order and understands the relationship between the built and the unbuilt environment  (Built Quotes) Characterization is not divorced from plot, not a coat of paint you slap on after the structure of events is already built. Rather characterization is inseparable from plot  (Built Quotes)
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