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All of your errors have not built a wall against your success. They have paved your way to it  (Built Quotes) We are moving rapidly into a world in which the spying machinery is built into every object we encounter  (Built Quotes) Society was built on male power, and women’s power was... ignored is the best word to describe it I suppose, we have been running society on one power, half a power really. And that’s so terrible. The world needs women’s power too  (Built Quotes) Preppy clothes are built to last, since they certainly won’t go out of style  (Built Quotes) The past has been given to us. The future must be built, as others have built our past  (Built Quotes) I like to sit on the front porch of an old cabin I built in the woods and just listen to the birds; I like to fish in the pond and I always throw the fish back  (Built Quotes) I don’t mind a gut. In fact, I would prefer a guy to have a gut than be too built  (Built Quotes) Ive always had a fascination about mixing music. So I downloaded an application and started messing around with it, and it just built up from there  (Built Quotes) Language is the ticket to plot and character, after all, because both are built out of language  (Built Quotes) The railroads are not run for the benefit of the dear public. That cry is nonsense. They are built for men who invest their money and expect to get a fair percentage of the same  (Built Quotes) I think of modern marriage as a car strangely fashioned out of an old abandoned horse carriage, built upon the framework of a mule cart. All the original engineering is still there, underneath it all  (Built Quotes) Some people are great, and they approach each work with honesty, and that’s wonderful. But when people have built up a sort of resentment or animosity for reasons that are hard to put your finger on, they read in bad faith  (Built Quotes) I like my jokes to be built on a foundation of ideas, or at least smart observations  (Built Quotes) I didn’t go to high school, I didn’t go to college, I didn’t have women’s studies. All of my feminist ideals and education have been built around art and my friends and community. And so it’s still growing  (Built Quotes) Everything alive must die. Every building built to the sky will fall. Don’t try to tell me my everlasting love is a lie  (Built Quotes) Other kids went out and beat each other up or played baseball, and I built electronics  (Built Quotes) For us, my wife and I and all of my partners believe that corporations have to be corporate citizens, and individuals who benefit from them, or who have built them, need to give back  (Built Quotes) More interesting than thinking about whats possible in 10 years is thinking whats possible now but that no one has built  (Built Quotes) It may be useful to remember that a peacetime political machine is built essentially on patronage  (Built Quotes) Crazy ideas sometimes work, and the technological society that we have is built on a foundation of those crazy ideas that work  (Built Quotes) I live in an apartment building built in 1925, and it hasn’t been heavily renovated, so I feel very much connected to that time and what went on in that place  (Built Quotes) We have built a greenhouse, a human greenhouse, where once there bloomed a sweet and wild garden  (Built Quotes) For the record, a mechanical engineer is responsible for how just about anything is built. We make sure any type of structure or vehicle or roadway is strong, safe and will stay together  (Built Quotes) ... in a history of spiritual rupture, a social compact built on fantasy and collective secrets, poetry becomes more necessary than ever: it keeps the underground aquifers flowing; it is the liquid voice that can wear through stone  (Built Quotes) I like talking to engineers best. They built bridges, they’re very precise, very disciplined, yet I find they have roving minds  (Built Quotes) It is my thought that clean living and a strict observance of the golden rule of true sportsmanship are foundation stones without which a championship structure cannot be built  (Built Quotes) The attention toward me is basically because of what we’ve built as a company. If we built a pile of crap then nobody would care what I ate for lunch  (Built Quotes) Everybody always feels that they’re right even if they’re wrong and that’s what a whole actor’s career is built around rationalizing your way into whatever character you’re playing  (Built Quotes) I would like to submit an entirely different agenda, one that is built on love, cherishing and timelessness. One that acknowledges that in living, we accumulate. We admire. We desire. We love. We collect. We display  (Built Quotes) Among twelve apostles there must always be one who is as hard as stone, so that the new church may be built upon him  (Built Quotes)
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