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We dried continuously day and night. We had no efficient way to do it, so we built this new popcorn plant  (Built Quotes) These films however, have ambiguity built into them, because it’s too easy in film to make a strident work of propaganda or advertising, which are really the same thing anyway, meaning the message is unmistakable  (Built Quotes) The support that we have from the network in terms of watching us at an unusual time in the year and playing our episodes three times in a given week until we built an audience... Is exceptional  (Built Quotes) As for now, we must not forget who would have to exchange the land? Those villages which live more than others on irrigation, on orange and fruit plantations, in houses built near water wells and pumping stations, on livestock and property and easy access to markets  (Built Quotes) I’ve had a good run. I’ve built a lot of things that work and a lot of things that didn’t work  (Built Quotes) And I found that when I built my own place and just shut the door, the creativity was endless  (Built Quotes) Well, as we built the business in the 1990’s, as I said, I enjoyed that  (Built Quotes) She was built for crowds. She has never come any closer to life than the dinner table  (Built Quotes) Our studio is kind of built into our home, so it’s a place you can ramble, and we can do a pretty good recording here. The band is really comfortable her  (Built Quotes) I’ll miss the relationships I have built with these actors. I’ll miss the devotion we have to this work. Over this length of time, the tendency is to think it will never end  (Built Quotes) These are they whose youth was violently severed by war and death; a word on the telephone, a scribbled line on paper, and their future ceased. They have built up their lives again, but their safety is not absolute, their fortress not impregnable  (Built Quotes) A ship in port is safe; but that is not what ships are built for. Sail out to sea and do new things  (Built Quotes) What was so good about it was that the set that they originally built stayed there, and weathered over the five years. It got five summers and five winters of weather. It became more and more authentic as we worked in it, and they added bits to it  (Built Quotes) I’ve just built a studio in my mama’s old bedroom, which I thought was fitting; she died last year. We’ve recorded nine songs recorded in there already; we’re sort of just chipping away  (Built Quotes) We weren’t built to fly. We can do it, but we shouldn’t be surprised if it feels a little unnatural  (Built Quotes) When we build an attractive home, we raze land on which animals have already built their homes. They have nowhere to go  (Built Quotes) We’ve fallen way behind. Building one space station for everyone was and is insane: we should have built a dozen  (Built Quotes) France built its best colony on a principle of exclusion, and failed; england reversed the system, and succeeded  (Built Quotes) It is always a good plan for a speculative experimenter to have two experiments going, or at least one going and one being built  (Built Quotes) Canada was built from its very beginnings on the belief that public leadership in the economy and on social issues would be as effective and cheap as anything done by the private sector  (Built Quotes) If our designs for private houses are to be correct, we must at the outset take note of the countries and climates in which they are built  (Built Quotes) Complexity that works is built up out of modules that work perfectly, layered one over the other  (Built Quotes) The reason for this project comes from my childhood, that is clear to me. I did not have any toys. So, I played in the bricks of ruined buildings around me and with which I built houses  (Built Quotes) I think the history and the past we have is just an energy we’ve built up to do what we do now  (Built Quotes) I’m delighted. I don’t know of anybody who had a statue built of them while they were living. It’s a great feeling  (Built Quotes) Generally, cars were not built to sit on dealer lots. It encourages the wrong kind of behavior in the whole system  (Built Quotes) You know, when you go to high school or, you know, when kids are younger and there’s not an understanding of differences. But I built up a very strong, thick skin  (Built Quotes) If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization  (Built Quotes) Ordinarily if an actor gets chosen for the lead in a film, he or she has already built up a repertoire, and everyone knows what he or she is capable of  (Built Quotes) Houses are built to live in, not to look on; therefore, let use be preferred before uniformity, except where both may be had  (Built Quotes)
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