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Bull Quotes

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The Spaniard is gallant and patriotic, and sacrifices everything, in favorable moments, for his country’s good. He has the intrepidity of his bull.  (Bull Quotes) Red Bull are backing a spinal-injury research charity called Wings For Life, which I am an ambassador for, with a programme called Faces for Charity that will run at this year’s British Grand Prix.  (Bull Quotes) They say you never grow poor taking profits. No, you don’t. But neither do you grow rich taking a four-point profit in a bull market. Where I should have made twenty thousand dollars I made two thousand. That was what conservatism did for me.  (Bull Quotes) Relationships are kind of like riding a bull. You hang on for dear life and sometimes you get a little buck here and there ... but you get back on.  (Bull Quotes) He’ll take some pleasure from that, Brian Carey. He and Steve Bull have been having it off all afternoon.  (Bull Quotes)
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