Bumper Quotes
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Text Quotes
There’s a difference between a philosophy and a bumper sticker (Bumper Quotes)
My other car is a vehicle with a bumper sticker describing this car (Bumper Quotes)
I don’t much believe in bumper sticker characterizations of foreign policy (Bumper Quotes)
Yeah, but what happens if life hands me pickles? - Bumper sticker (Bumper Quotes)
Nothing makes me roll my eyes faster than a Coexist bumper sticker (Bumper Quotes)
I hate bumper stickers, you can’t sum anything up. All you do is paint yourself in some caricaturist corner. (Bumper Quotes)
There are a lot of things that fit on a bumper sticker in terms of either liberty or equality or progress that when made more concrete just don’t pan out. (Bumper Quotes)
When life hands you lemons say, Lemons? What else have you got? - bumper sticker (Bumper Quotes)
I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool. (Bumper Quotes)
We’re being sold a brand new idea of patriotism. It never occurred to me that patriotism had to be advertised. Patriotism is something you deeply felt. You didn’t have to wear it on your lapel or show it in your window or on a bumper sticker. That kind of patriotism does not appeal to me at all. (Bumper Quotes)
During President George W. Bush’s two terms, you couldn’t drive far without seeing a particular bumper sticker: ‘Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.’ (Bumper Quotes)
I’m one of those who believe the bumper sticker: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. The first people who are going to be in line to turn in their guns are law-abiding citizens. Criminals are going to be left with guns. (Bumper Quotes)
It is obvious that the bumper sticker question What would Jesus do? will not always bring a popular response. (Bumper Quotes)
My parents are apolitical - no bumper stickers, no yard signs. They don’t talk about politics. (Bumper Quotes)
I like things pretty reduced. I don’t understand how people live with so much stuff around them, because you can’t focus on it, and after a while it ends up becoming absorbed. It’s not as if anything’s really being appreciated. To me all that stuff is some desperate message to everyone about who you are, like bumper stickers. (Bumper Quotes)
Enough Americans saw fit to give president Obama a second term. I don’t think there will be many people keeping their Romney/Ryan bumper stickers on their cars. (Bumper Quotes)
[Jesus] said that they will know we are Christians - not by our bumper stickers and T-shirts - but by our love. (Bumper Quotes)
You know the people who have the bumper stickers that say Windows 95 = Mac 89? These are the faithful, and I respect their faith, but I would like to respectfully point out that faith is dangerous. Religion kills. (Bumper Quotes)
When you keep hitting walls of resistance in life, the universe is trying to tell you that you are going the wrong way. It’s like driving a bumper car at an amusement park. Each time you slam into another car or the edge of the track, you are forced to change direction. (Bumper Quotes)
I think the inflation prospects for the U.S. over the next five or six, seven years, are quite serious. You cannot have a bumper crop in apples without the value or the price of each apple falling. The Fed has had the largest increase in the monetary base in the history of the U.S., from colonial times to the present, times ten. (Bumper Quotes)
No one doubts that pure libertarianism is simple, but that’s just why it remains on the ideological fringe - because it boils down the most difficult questions in human affairs to a simple equation, a What Would the Market Do bumper sticker. (Bumper Quotes)
Know who you are, then you can know where you can be! Choose your environment wisely; but be sure you know your dreams at first! When your dream seeds fall onto the soil with the best environmental factor, you will have a bumper harvest! (Bumper Quotes)
California produces 40% of America’s fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts - the kind you eat. We have had a bumper crop of the other variety, too. (Bumper Quotes)
California produces 40% of America’s fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts - the kind you eat. We have had a bumper crop of the other variety, too (Bumper Quotes)
We have an uncanny ability to make birds do what we want them to do. In Blood Simple there's a shot from the bumper of a car and it's going up this road and a huge flock of birds takes off at the perfect moment (Bumper Quotes)
Supporting the troops has got to mean more than bumper stickers on pickup trucks, my friends. We need to give them what they need (Bumper Quotes)
I hate bumper stickers, you can’t sum anything up. All you do is paint yourself in some caricaturist corner (Bumper Quotes)
We should just get somebody from the left and the right and they should all throw bumper stickers at each other and the first one to cover the other one wins (Bumper Quotes)
We’re being sold a brand new idea of patriotism. It never occurred to me that patriotism had to be advertised. Patriotism is something you deeply felt. You didn’t have to wear it on your lapel or show it in your window or on a bumper sticker. That kind of patriotism does not appeal to me at all (Bumper Quotes)
There are a lot of things that fit on a bumper sticker in terms of either liberty or equality or progress that when made more concrete just don’t pan out (Bumper Quotes)
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