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Bureaucracy Quotes

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Bureaucracy destroys initiative. There is little that bureaucrats hate more than innovation, especially innovation that produces better results than the old routines. Improvements always make those at the top of the heap look inept. Who enjoys appearing inept?  (Bureaucracy Quotes) The bureaucracy is a circle from which one cannot escape. Its hierarchy is a hierarchy of knowledge. The top entrusts the understanding of detail to the lower levels, whilst the lower levels credit the top with understanding of the general, and so all are mutually deceived  (Bureaucracy Quotes) Any plan of administration which contemplates a concentrating of responsibility is open to the dangers which follow the creation of a bureaucracy  (Bureaucracy Quotes) The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is inefficiency. An efficient bureaucracy is the greatest threat to liberty  (Bureaucracy Quotes) It is increasingly clear that the fate of the universe will come to depend more and more on individuals as the bungling of bureaucracy permeates every corner of our existence  (Bureaucracy Quotes) The techniques of artificial intelligence are to the mind what bureaucracy is to human social interaction  (Bureaucracy Quotes) I see my job as being to facilitate the life of clinical researchers so that they can be more productive, and trying to keep the bureaucracy from getting in their way  (Bureaucracy Quotes) The rise of the welfare state, on the one hand, and of the military bureaucracy, on the other, are instances of the manner in which technology is enforcing a socialization of life  (Bureaucracy Quotes) Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status  (Bureaucracy Quotes) In a bureaucracy, they shoot the bull, pass the buck, and make seven copies of everything  (Bureaucracy Quotes) Misdirected focus on paperwork, on procedures, and on bureaucracy frustrates teachers and fails to give children the education they need  (Bureaucracy Quotes) If the first person who answers the phone cannot answer your question it’s a bureaucracy. If the first person can answer your question, it’s a miracle  (Bureaucracy Quotes) Paperwork is the embalming fluid of bureaucracy, maintaining an appearance of life where none exists  (Bureaucracy Quotes) The technical genius which could find answers... was not cooped up in military or civilian bureaucracy, but was to be found in universities and in the people at large  (Bureaucracy Quotes) Too many vital education dollars that should be spent in the classroom are bouncing around in the federal bureaucracy  (Bureaucracy Quotes) Government proposes, bureaucracy disposes. And the bureaucracy must dispose of government proposals by dumping them on us  (Bureaucracy Quotes) We need to get rid of all remnants of bureaucracy and bureaucratic thinking, and start thinking like entrepreneurs again  (Bureaucracy Quotes) The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy  (Bureaucracy Quotes) German businessmen are overwhelmed by the high cost of doing business. Inflexible rules, enforced by a burgeoning bureaucracy, discourage entrepreneurship  (Bureaucracy Quotes) The Japanese bureaucracy is unique. It is also very powerful, although it is now the object of so much criticism. Many of Japans brightest made it a pillar of strength and continuity  (Bureaucracy Quotes) One main condition of aristocratic life was present in the South and not in the North--personal responsibility to other human beings for education and material welfare. (A Carnegie or a Ford, like a bureaucracy, molds the lives of millions without taking any responsibility.)  (Bureaucracy Quotes) The Chinese, on the other hand, were in the position of having an American military spy plane on a Chinese military base and they had their own internal problems to deal with. At first, the Chinese weren’t all that belligerent. They were just stalling to get their own bureaucracy in line.  (Bureaucracy Quotes) I don’t miss the bureaucracy of being in the Army. But I still love the relationships you can build. And it doesn’t have to be in military service - it can be anything you’re doing with someone that matters. You develop a bond.  (Bureaucracy Quotes) In reality, Afghanistan has functioned as a nation-state for more than two centuries, and its army and bureaucracy reach back to the 19th century.  (Bureaucracy Quotes) The factory model of education is a gargantuan bureaucracy. Some kids are good fits - I wasn’t. The system gives you bad grades and tells you you’re stupid. You don’t think, ‘If this kid’s not a good fit, it could be the system’s fault.’  (Bureaucracy Quotes) Publicly, we’re saying we’re better at fighting terrorism. Privately, we know that the bureaucracy has only gotten worse, since the high-level people are scared of being held responsible for 9/11.  (Bureaucracy Quotes) Higher education should be based on quality, not quantity; receive merit-based funding; and be free of unnecessary bureaucracy. Not the least of the benefits of educational reform is to foster the pride of achievement at national and international levels.  (Bureaucracy Quotes) Too many vital education dollars that should be spent in the classroom are bouncing around in the federal bureaucracy.  (Bureaucracy Quotes) The real problem is clean up the bureaucracy that people have to deal with to become a citizen the right way. And we must truly secure the border. We can’t leave it porous.  (Bureaucracy Quotes) The ever-growing power of a soulless political bureaucracy which supervises and safeguards the life of man from the cradle to the grave is putting ever-greater obstacles in the way of co-operation among human beings.  (Bureaucracy Quotes)
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