Burning Quotes

Text Quotes
Brave people are the firemen who run into the burning building. That’s brave. (Burning Quotes)
The north of the Central African Republic is now a war zone, with rival armed bands burning villages, kidnapping children, robbing travelers and killing people with impunity. (Burning Quotes)
People have been listening to Burning Spear for a long time now, and they know who I am and what I stand for. Yes, I do address many of the same ideas from album to album, adding only a little different flavor or coloring. Yes, the message has remained virtually the same because the issues haven’t gone away yet. (Burning Quotes)
If your goal is to produce firefighters and rescue workers, you have to produce people willing to enter burning buildings. (Burning Quotes)
Burning books is not as grave as burning people, because books, contrary to men, are not unique and ideas are fireproof! (Burning Quotes)
People get upset when Baghdad, the Cradle of Civilization is burning, or when the Buddhas in Afghanistan are falling. These are real concerns. (Burning Quotes)
Money numbs your senses. People who touched paper money and then placed their hands in hot burning water didn’t feel as much pain as those who hadn’t touched money. (Burning Quotes)
I don’t think there’s anything to be admired in lying, cheating or philandering. But there might be something to be admired in not burning people at the stake because they have those weaknesses. (Burning Quotes)
We have to be faster in calming down a resentment than putting out a fire, because the consequences of the first are infinitely more dangerous than the results of the last; fire ends burning down some houses at the most, while the resentment can cause cruel wars, with the ruin and total destruction of nations... (Burning Quotes)
When you hear the word tear gas you think, well, your eyes will burn and that’s it. But that whole feeling of your whole skin burning, that you can’t breathe, you can’t inhale, you feel suffocated - it’s a very, very terrifying experience. (Burning Quotes)
We can feel the vibration that comes from the candle flame, burning it way into our innermind, no blurry images, clear as crystal, we enter into the highest consciousness, on our journey back home, we possess the eagle’s eye, the eye that can see the invisible. (Burning Quotes)
What makes tar sands particularly odious is that the energy you get out in the end, per unit carbon dioxide, is poor. It’s equivalent to burning coal in your automobile. (Burning Quotes)
On a per capita basis, Britain is responsible for more of the carbon dioxide now in the atmosphere than any other nation on Earth because it has been burning it from the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. (Burning Quotes)
We have to slow down the emissions of carbon dioxide and methane from coal burning, oil and eventually natural gas... And the best ways to do that are energy efficiency and a switch to renewables. (Burning Quotes)
Many casting directors won’t hire aspiring actors because you might be burning some chick’s headshot under the table so she doesn’t get the part. (Burning Quotes)
I’m not in a position where I get to pick and choose roles. I usually go on auditions in long lines and embarrass myself in front of casting directors, and with a lump in my throat and my ears burning, I walk past reception and smirking actors as I go to the parking garage and go back on the highway. (Burning Quotes)
Though I do regard the Inquisition in general and the burning of Giordano Bruno in particular as blots on the history of the Roman Catholic Church, I am far from being actuated by hatred of that church, and in fact cannot imagine that European civilization would have developed or survived without it. (Burning Quotes)
To be straight, I was kind of a dork, and in order to fulfill the creative fires burning inside me, I participated vigorously as a Civil War re-enactor through most of my teenage years, traveling across the country to participate in large scale reenactments - grandiose plays enacted by over weight history buffs and war enthusiasts alike. (Burning Quotes)
My heart is burning with love. All I can see is this flame. My heart is burning with passion, like waves on an ocean. I’m at home, wherever I am. And in the room of lovers, I can see with closed eyes the beauty that dances. Behind the veils, intoxicated with love, I too dance the rhythm of this moving world. (Burning Quotes)
When the slugs penetrate, you feel a burning sensation, Gettin closer to God in a tight situation (Burning Quotes)
It seems the EPA has worked hard to devise new regulations that are designed to eliminate coal mining, coal burning, usage of coal. (Burning Quotes)
The burning bushes, the smoking mountains, . . . the Cumorahs, and the Kirtlands were realities; but they were the exceptions. . . . Always expecting the spectacular, many will miss entirely the constant flow of revealed communication. (Burning Quotes)
The host is rushing ‘twixt day and night,And where is there hope or deed as fair?Caoilte tossing his burning hair,And Niamh calling Away, come away. (Burning Quotes)
Given the choice of apathy or someone liberating mink, burning down a research torture-laboratory, or killing a vivisectionist or other DIRECT murderer of animals, I will choose the aforesaid actions over apathy any day of the week.- (Burning Quotes)
Potentially, you do inhabit different worlds. And while there are no specific roles I’m burning to play, as far as acting in the future goes, I’d really like to have done searing work. (Burning Quotes)
Pliny the Elder, who when Rome was burning requested Nero to play You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me, Lucille. Never got a dinner! (Burning Quotes)
Don’t underestimate Laura Antonelli. She’s burning to do well. And then she has an extraordinary face, even without make-up. It’s not with her that I’d discuss literature. I speak only of the film ‘L’Innocente,’ and what she does she does well. (Burning Quotes)
If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head. (Burning Quotes)
The idea that human beings have changed and are changing the basic climate system of the Earth through their industrial activities and burning of fossil fuels - the essence of the Greens’ theory of global warming - has about as much basis in science as Marxism and Freudianism. (Burning Quotes)
It’s too easy to get swept up; doing things because the opportunities are there, not because we’re burning to do them. (Burning Quotes)