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Burns Quotes

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Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean  (Burns Quotes) In wrath I strike, and set the dark ablaze with the immortal spark of thought, by friction-process brought of concentration and distraction. The darkness burns with a million tongues; and now I spy all past, all distant things, as nigh  (Burns Quotes) To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light  (Burns Quotes) I cannot weep, for all my body's moisture scarce serves to quench my furnace - burning heart; nor can my tongue unload my heart's great burden, for selfsame wind that I should speak withal is kindling coals that fires all my breast and burns me up with flames that tears would quench  (Burns Quotes) It is of eloquence as of a flame; it requires matter to feed it, and motion to excite it; and it brightens as it burns  (Burns Quotes) I ever give a thought to another, you may well spare it, for those fancies are here and gone like a flash of lightning, while my love for you burns on steadily, and for ever, like the sun  (Burns Quotes) He that does a base thing in zeal for his friend burns the golden thread that ties their hearts together  (Burns Quotes) My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night; but ah, my foes, and oh, my friends - it gives a lovely light!  (Burns Quotes) The very society of joy redoubles it; so that, whilst it lights upon my friend it rebounds upon myself, and the brighter his candle burns the more easily will it light mine  (Burns Quotes) The lust of dominion burns with a flame so fierce as to overpower all other affections of the human breast  (Burns Quotes) I don’t have anything that I treasure at all. They’re just things. I tend to buy an awful lot of stuff, like clothes and things. But I wouldn’t be bothered if my house burns down tomorrow  (Burns Quotes) ... but every lyar must have his portion in the lake that burns with brimstone and with fire  (Burns Quotes) The sinner is not the one who uses a lot of grace... The saint burns grace like a 747 burns fuel on take off  (Burns Quotes) When you have a childhood dream that still burns and tugs at your heart when you’re an adult, you owe it to yourself to pursue and achieve this dream  (Burns Quotes) A man must live like a great brilliant flame and burn as brightly as he can. In the end he burns out. But this is far better than a mean little flame  (Burns Quotes) Maybe I should quit the business. There’s no one left for me to love. Mama’s dead. Mr. Burns couldn’t care less about me. What’s left?  (Burns Quotes) You don’t have to be a wreck. You don’t have to be sick. One’s aim in life should be to die in good health. Just like a candle that burns out  (Burns Quotes) I’ve really learned a lot, really learned a lot, love is like a stove, burns you when it’s hot  (Burns Quotes) For if any man who never saw fire proved by satisfactory arguments that fire burns. His hearer’s mind would never be satisfied, nor would he avoid the fire until he put his hand in it that he might learn by experiment what argument taught  (Burns Quotes) Mr. Burns comes out and flips cigar ashes on his shoes, and makes up about 90 percent of what you hear  (Burns Quotes) Don’t compare yourself with someone else’s version of happy or thin. Accepting yourself burns the most calories  (Burns Quotes) My imagination completely controls me, and forever feeds the fire that burns with dark red light in my heart by bringing me the best dreams. I’ve always had a wild imagination, a big heart and a tortured soul so I feel that dark fantasy, love and horror are in my blood  (Burns Quotes) Yes, hell exists. It is not a fairy tale. One indeed burns there. This hell is not at the end of life. It is here. At the beginning. Hell is what the infant must experience before he gets to us  (Burns Quotes) Take heed of a speedy professing friend; love is never lasting which flames before it burns  (Burns Quotes) ... because real thoughts come from outside and travel with us like the noodle soup we take to work; in other words, inquisitors burn books in vain. If a book has anything to say, it burns with a quiet laugh, because any book worth its salt points up and out of itself  (Burns Quotes) The dark is generous, and it is patient, and it always wins. It always wins because it is everywhere. It is in the wood that burns in your hearth, and in the kettle on the fire; it is under your chair and under your table and under the sheets on your bed. Walk in the midday sun, and the dark is with you, attached to the soles of your feet. The brightest light casts the darkest shadow  (Burns Quotes) One day you fall for this boy. And he touches you with his fingers. And he burns holes in your skin with his mouth. And it hurts when you look at him. And it hurts when you don’t. And it feels like someone’s cut you open with a jagged piece of glass  (Burns Quotes) L.A. burns, and so many other cities smolder, waiting for the hose that will flood gasoline over the coals, and we listen to politicians who fuel our hate and our narrow views and tell us it’s simply a matter of getting back to basics while they sit in their beachfront properties and listen to the surf so they won’t have to hear the screams of the drowning  (Burns Quotes) I learned that in each of us there burns a flame of independence that must never be allowed to go out. That as long as it exists within us we cannot be destroyed  (Burns Quotes) It never leaves, not with someone we love. Their presence burns too vivid in our memories. Happen that is as it should be, for otherwise we would too easy forget  (Burns Quotes)
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