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Burns Quotes

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A man’s character is like his house. If he tears boards off his house and burns them to keep himself warm and comfortable, his house soon becomes a ruin. If he tells lies to be able to do the things he shouldn’t do but wants to, his character will soon become a ruin. A man with a ruined character is a shame on the face of the earth  (Burns Quotes) The joy I feel is immense; it burns inside me as though I have swallowed a piece of the sun  (Burns Quotes) There is not one state truly alive if it is not as if a cauldron burns and boils in its representative body, and if there is no clash of convictions in it  (Burns Quotes) It is nevertheless a game of considerable passion, either of the explosive type, or that which burns inwardly and sears the soul  (Burns Quotes) I love you so much that it feels like the universe will explode, for as long as it takes for the oceans to dry up, so much that I don’t care if my soul burns to ashes  (Burns Quotes) False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes  (Burns Quotes) Loss is the absence of something we were once attached to. Grief is the rope burns left behind, when that which is held is pulled beyond our grasp  (Burns Quotes) I want to create the kinds of things that if the house burns down you want to run and save  (Burns Quotes) I always recommend rewiring vintage lighting. It’s not a bargain if your house burns down  (Burns Quotes) Lust tastes like tequila and love tastes like whiskey. Love burns for longer and warms you up on the inside and sometimes it makes you do stupid things. Tequila makes you wasted. You can get wasted on lust and warmed by love  (Burns Quotes) Walking on rocks, hurts. Walking on glass, cuts. Walking on hot coals, burns. Walking on someones heart, kills  (Burns Quotes) If what we worship fail us, still the fire burns on, and it is much to have believed  (Burns Quotes) Beauty is like life itself: a dawn mist the sun burns off. It gives no peace, no rest  (Burns Quotes) Compassionate love may be strong. It sobs, it burns, then it wipes away its tears – and it does nothing  (Burns Quotes) When I rest I feel utterly lifeless except that my throat burns when I draw breath... I can scarcely go on. No despair, no happiness, no anxiety. I have not lost the mastery of my feelings, there are actually no more feelings. I consist only of will. After each few metres this too fizzles out in unending tiredness. Then I think nothing. I let myself fall, just lie there. For an indefinite time I remain completely irresolute. Then I make a few steps again  (Burns Quotes) A life truly lived constantly burns away veils of illusion, burns away what is no longer relevant, gradually reveals our essence, until, at last, we are strong enough to stand in our naked truth  (Burns Quotes) We haven’t been on the same page in years. It is what it is. Sometimes that match burns out. So, no, I don’t feel bad about it. It’s good. I’m grateful for everything we have done throughout our careers and if there’s nothing else to put out, then there’s nothing to put out. I’m constantly writing and working. It doesn’t stop there  (Burns Quotes) I’m a good friend, but I’m a hell of an enemy. As your enemy, I want your demise. When I feel that in my heart it burns till I die  (Burns Quotes) Candles are good as long as you’re not me and you don’t fall asleep and your house burns down  (Burns Quotes) It’s the reductionist approach to life: if you keep it small, you’ll keep it under control. If you don’t make any noise, the bogeyman won’t find you. But it’s all an illusion, because they die too, those people who roll up their spirits into tiny little balls so as to be safe. Safe?! From what? Life is always on the edge of death; narrow streets lead to the same place as wide avenues, and a little candle burns itself out just like a flaming torch does. I choose my own way to burn  (Burns Quotes) The human being is a surprisingly resilient organism. We are impelled toward health not sickness. Your spirit, as surely as your body, will try to heal... So you should not fear tragedy and suffering. Like love, they make you more a part of the human family. From them can come your greatest creativity. They are the fire that burns you pure  (Burns Quotes) Lessons taught but never learned, all around us anger burns. Guide the future by the past. Long ago the mould was cast  (Burns Quotes) Each and every one of us has a fire that burns inside us. They can try like hell to put it out, but as long as we know in our minds who we are meant to be, they will never stand a chance  (Burns Quotes) I heard this expression once: Each time someone dies, a library burns. I’m watching it burn right to the ground  (Burns Quotes) Worried about dry skin? Concerned about lines and wrinkles? Then visit a burns unit and get some perspective  (Burns Quotes) If your house burns down, rescue the dogs. At least they’ll be faithful to you  (Burns Quotes) A most burning question of time, though. It burns in every nook and cranny of the ethnological world, burning, bright, brightly, in the fullest blaze, and it burns all around, huge fire! and no one lifts a hand  (Burns Quotes) My own time on earth has led me to believe in two powerful instruments that turn experience into love: holding and listening. For every time I have held or been held, every time I have listened or been listened to, experience burns like wood in that eternal fire, and I find myself in the presence of love. This has always been so  (Burns Quotes) I think there’s two kinds of love. One kind of love burns so hot that it burns out before you get a chance to enjoy it. The other love is one that lifts you and makes you better than you were before  (Burns Quotes) Each of us seeks peace of mind, but we sometimes fear that it means giving up excitement and ecstasy. Peace sounds like contentment, which sounds like settling, letting the fire go out. Actually, peace of mind allows you to go more deeply into the world and consequently to experience more excitement and ecstasy. The fire burns brighter, fueled by awareness instead of anxiety  (Burns Quotes)
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