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Burns Quotes

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But just because it burns doesn’t mean you’re gonna die. You’ve gotta get up and try, try, try  (Burns Quotes) My favorite comedians were Jimmy Durante, george Burns, senior citizens  (Burns Quotes) We all live inside the terrible engine of authority, and it grinds and shrieks and burns so that no one will say: lines on maps are silly  (Burns Quotes) Nothing burns like the cold. But only for a while. Then it gets inside you and starts to fill you up, and after a while you don’t have the strength to fight it  (Burns Quotes) Absence doth sharpen love, presence strengthens it; the one brings fuel, the other blows it till it burns clear  (Burns Quotes) And on 25 January of each year and for many days before it and after it there is not an hour in the day or night when a Burns Supper is not taking place somewhere on this Earth  (Burns Quotes) For in the works of Robert Burns we see the whole cosmos of man’s experience and emotion, from zenith to nadir, from birth until death  (Burns Quotes) One cannot imagine Scots music and song without the contribution of Burns  (Burns Quotes) There are even more statues of Robert Burns than of any other figure in world literature. Indeed if we discount figures of religion, then only Christopher Columbus has more statues than he worldwide  (Burns Quotes) If a jerk burns the flag, America is not threatened, democracy is not under siege, freedom is not at risk  (Burns Quotes) The platform of an Ethical Society is itself the altar; the address must be the fire that burns thereon  (Burns Quotes) Now Autumn’s fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt  (Burns Quotes) Through the miracles of modern medicine George Burns still chases pretty girls, and through the miracle of modern psychiatry he intends to find out why  (Burns Quotes) Since I met him ten years ago there hasn’t been a day that I didn’t think of George Burns. And I didn’t think of him again today  (Burns Quotes) George Burns has been on my show twenty or thirty times, or maybe more. How can you turn down a guy that age?  (Burns Quotes) George Burns, what a man. He read in the paper that it takes ten dollars a year to support a kid in India. So he sent his kids there  (Burns Quotes) Aren’t we most aware of our animal natures when love or hunger or hatred burns through reason and encourages us to do exactly what we desire to do, with frequently tragic results  (Burns Quotes) I get asked if I mind when someone burns my music. I’m just flattered that people want to  (Burns Quotes) I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag  (Burns Quotes) If you get upset when the toast burns, what are you going to do when your house burns down  (Burns Quotes) When you talk about George Burns you’re talking about a living legend . . . well, a legend, anyhow  (Burns Quotes) It’s mournful and troubling in a way that goes beyond ordinary movie manipulation. It burns clean  (Burns Quotes) Social laughter is momentary, soon burns itself out and passes away like the fire and smokes of straw, but genius shakes the very skies with its lasting, inextinguishable laughter  (Burns Quotes) Even if our home burns down we can rebuild it. But the things that we got for nothing, we can never replace  (Burns Quotes) And on 25 January of each year and for many days before it and after it there is not an hour in the day or night when a Burns Supper is not taking place somewhere on this earth.  (Burns Quotes) Sometimes I think I look like I’ve had facial reconstructive surgery. Like after burns.  (Burns Quotes) If a jerk burns the flag, America is not threatened, democracy is not under siege, freedom is not at risk.  (Burns Quotes) Empty pockets full of empty packets of hot sauce remind me of the love I have for her. My heart burns with desire. My mouth also burns.  (Burns Quotes) In California in the early Spring, There are pale yellow mornings, when the mist burns slowly into day, The air stings like Autumn, clarifies like pain - Well, I have dreamed this coast myself.  (Burns Quotes) Every baby born unloved, unwanted, is a bill that will come due in twenty years with interest, an anger that must find a target, a pain that will beget pain. A decade downstream a child screams, a woman falls, a synagogue is torched, a firing squad is summoned, a button is pushed and the world burns.  (Burns Quotes)
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