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Burrito Quotes

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My burrito slowly fell apart  (Burrito Quotes) You are my everything burrito  (Burrito Quotes) A burrito is a sleeping bag for ground beef  (Burrito Quotes) A burrito is a delicious food item that breaks down all social barriers and leads to temporary spiritual enlightenment  (Burrito Quotes) Everybody likes to have a place to think, to meditate, to eat a burrito  (Burrito Quotes) My Saturday Night. My Saturday night is like a microwave burrito. Very tough to ruin something that starts out so bad to begin with  (Burrito Quotes) Ever had a flying burrito hit you? Well, it’s a deadly projectile, right up there with cannonballs and grenades  (Burrito Quotes) I thought I was eating a candy bar, but it turned out to be a yummy burrito. I was both disappointed and appointed at the same time.  (Burrito Quotes) Being an actor is great; you chill in your trailer, and they bring you a breakfast burrito and coffee. But as director, you’re responsible for every little thing.  (Burrito Quotes) Most of us have to spend a lot of energy to learn how to drive a car. Then we have to spend the rest of our lives over-concentrating as we drive and text and eat a burrito and put on makeup. As a result, 30,000 people die every year in a car accident in the U.S.  (Burrito Quotes) There has never been a shrimp that I’ve eaten that I haven’t been like, ‘I am so lucky that I get to eat this.’ I would eat a shrimp enchilada, shrimp burrito, shrimp cocktail, fried shrimp, shrimp po boy, shrimp gumbo.  (Burrito Quotes) They say California’s the big burrito; Texas is a big taco right now. We want to follow that through. Florida is a big tamale.  (Burrito Quotes)