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Burrows Quotes

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A book burrows into your life in a very profound way because the experience of reading is not passive  (Burrows Quotes) The child is born speaking the languages of birds; the child has horns and scales and wings; it has a beak; it has a cloven hoof. He is the sum of all creatures: the ones that swim, the ones that soar, the ones that leap, the ones that maze the earth with burrows  (Burrows Quotes) ... a fixation is very stubborn: it burrows into the brain and breaks the heart. There are many fixations, but love is the worst  (Burrows Quotes) My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within, but then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full and sank in the burrows of my keep, and all my armor, falling down, in a pile at my feet  (Burrows Quotes) If worms have the power of acquiring some notion, however rude, of the shape of an object and over their burrows, as seems the case, they deserve to be called intelligent; for they act in nearly the same manner as would man under similar circumstances  (Burrows Quotes) Science burrows its insulted head in the filth of slaughterous inventions  (Burrows Quotes) ...a fixation is very stubborn: it burrows into the brain and breaks the heart. There are many fixations, but love is the worst.  (Burrows Quotes)