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Bursts Quotes

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The press, that goiter of the world, swells up with the desire for conquest and bursts with the achievements which every day brings. A week has room for the boldest climax of the human drive for expansion  (Bursts Quotes) Look around at the azaleas making fuchsia star bursts in spring; look at a full moon hanging silver in a black sky on a cold night. And realize that life is glorious, and that you have no business taking it for granted  (Bursts Quotes) Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale  (Bursts Quotes) It’s good to experience Hollywood in short bursts, I guess. Little snippets. I don’t think I can handle being here all the time, it’s pretty nutty.  (Bursts Quotes) Three and a half years in L.A. was enough for me. I would love to go back for short bursts if a film opportunity came up, but it’s a unique place, and you can reach saturation point. For me it was a place where creative desire and ambition meets desperation. It’s in the air; it’s palpable - I just didn’t want to be around that.  (Bursts Quotes) It was a laugh that came from the tip of his toes, gaining force and soul as it traveled through his body and out into the world in mirthful bursts. There wasn’t anything fake about it; it was an amusement park of a laugh, and when it appeared, you wanted to jump on board.  (Bursts Quotes) I’m always working. I don’t really set limits. I tend to go in bursts. And in between, I’m doing my taxes, answering the phone, and all those kinds of things. I waste a lot of time. Computers take a lot of time. I love computers.  (Bursts Quotes) I only tour in short bursts, I’m only ever away from my family and three daughters for a month or two.  (Bursts Quotes) Life is filled with tragedy, with long patches of struggle and with, I think, beautiful bursts of joy and accomplishment. Blessed with those moments, you just try to relax as much as possible and focus on the little things, like the joy of changing your baby’s diaper.  (Bursts Quotes) There are few colonial nations anymore. Instead, we are colonized by financial institutions beyond our political control. We are colonized with pens and papers and millions of little digital bursts transferring billions of dollars all over the globe in the blink of an eye.  (Bursts Quotes) Only one who bursts with enthusiasm do I instruct; Only one who bubbles with excitement do I enlighten. If I hold up one corner and you do not come back to me with the other three, I do not continue the lesson.  (Bursts Quotes) For computer communications, computers talk in little bursts. They’re not continuous like speech.  (Bursts Quotes) As an actor, I’m familiar with having bursts of energy, where you’re giving things a try, and then you have down time.  (Bursts Quotes) The reason I am so negative about the Federal Reserve’s policies is that they only target core inflation and argue that they can’t identify bubbles, but when each bubble bursts, they flood the system with liquidity that brings about unintended consequences.  (Bursts Quotes) Around us, life bursts with miracles, a glass of water, a ray of sunshine, a leaf, a caterpillar, a flower, laughter, raindrops.  (Bursts Quotes) I’m not the guy who bursts into the room. I’m the most insecure person you’ll meet if you get to know me.  (Bursts Quotes) Prayer is the atmosphere of revelation, in the strict and central sense of that word. It is the climate in which God’s manifestation bursts open into inspiration.  (Bursts Quotes) Life depends on what she thinks of as ‘big bursts' and ‘little bursts. ' Big bursts are things like marriage or children, intimacies that keep you afloat, but these big bursts hold dangerous, unseen currents. Which is why you need the little bursts as well: a friendly clerk at Bradlee's, let's say, or the waitress at Dunkin' Donuts who knows how you like your coffee  (Bursts Quotes) Programmers work in bursts of productivity. Then, they let the brain rest and get back into it. A lot about the office world is not a great fit for me  (Bursts Quotes) At the moment, I have it planned as a six or seven year experiment, but the books will only ever appear in bursts like this every couple of years and only with the best quality artists  (Bursts Quotes) I’m not the guy who bursts into the room. I’m the most insecure person you’ll meet if you get to know me  (Bursts Quotes) The universe bursts into existence from life, not the other way around as we have been taught. For each life there is a universe, its own universe. We generate spheres of reality, individual bubbles of existence. Our planet is comprised of billions of spheres of reality, generated by each individual human and perhaps even by each animal  (Bursts Quotes) I only tour in short bursts, I’m only ever away from my family and three daughters for a month or two  (Bursts Quotes) The time has come, everybody lie down so you won’t get hurt when the sun bursts  (Bursts Quotes) One may dream of a culture where everyone bursts into laughter when someone says: this is true, this is real  (Bursts Quotes) Once again your mind explodes with a searing pain. A floodgate of memories bursts wide. Yet it is her face that keeps haunting you. Always her face. Who is she? Then things begin to crystallize. You remember your funeral. Begging and pleading for someone to release you from the darkness. You’re not dead. You can’t be. Then you feel her presence. Warm, caring, soothing. But somewhere deep inside she feels empty now. She has no reason. No meaning. No soul. But your soul lives. While her’s is dying  (Bursts Quotes) I love this word decadence, all shimmering in purple and gold. It suggests the subtle thoughts of ultimate civilization, a high literary culture, a soul capable of intense pleasures. It throws off bursts of fire and the sparkle of precious stones. It is redolent of the rouge of courtesans, the games of the circus, the panting of the gladiators, the spring of wild beasts, the consuming in flames of races exhausted by their capacity for sensation, as the tramp of an invading army sounds  (Bursts Quotes) And with listening, too, it seems to me, it is not the ear that hears, it is not the physical organ that performs the act of inner receptivity. It is the total person who hears. Sometimes the skin seems to be the best listener, as it prickles and thrills, say to a sound or a silence; or the fantasy, the imagination: how it bursts into inner pictures as it listens and then responds by pressing its language, its forms, into the listening clay. To be open to what we hear, to be open in what we say  (Bursts Quotes) The fifties are a peaceful time, a quiet sleeping time between two noisy bursts of years, a blue and white time filled with sweet yellow days, music and bright smelling memories  (Bursts Quotes) The future will be like the past, in the sense that, no matter how amazing or technologically advanced a society becomes, the basic human rhythm of petty malevolence, sordid moneygrubbing, and official violence, illuminated by occasional bursts of loyalty or desire or tenderness, will go on  (Bursts Quotes)
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