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Bursts Quotes

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When truth is buried, it grows. It chokes. It gathers such an explosive force that on the day it bursts out, it blows up everything with it  (Bursts Quotes) Solar bursts typically last from half a minute to a couple of minutes and often sound like a rapid hissing noise followed by a gradual decrease back to the original audio level  (Bursts Quotes) There’s no way out of this, it’s stark: live or die. Every given moment a bubble that bursts. Step on, from one to the next, ever onwards, a rainbow of stepping stones, each bursting softly as your foot touches and passes on. Till one step finds only empty air. Till that step, live  (Bursts Quotes) As an actor, I’m familiar with having bursts of energy, where you’re giving things a try, and then you have down time  (Bursts Quotes) I have sometimes thought that his bursts of imaginative talk were fatal to his poetic gift. He squandered too much in the heat of personal communication  (Bursts Quotes) I’m always working. I don’t really set limits. I tend to go in bursts. And in between, I’m doing my taxes, answering the phone, and all those kinds of things. I waste a lot of time. Computers take a lot of time. I love computers  (Bursts Quotes) A lot of my life happened in great, wonderful bursts of good fortune, and then I would race to be worthy of it  (Bursts Quotes) The biggest bursts of speciation that we know about in the history of the earth are soon after great cataclysms, like the extinction of the dinosaurs, which create new opportunities, and all sorts of new forms spring up... So, quite often, the reasons for creativity depend on accidents or disasters that prevent the normal habits being carried out  (Bursts Quotes) Nothing good bursts forth all at once. The lightning may dart out of a black cloud; but the day sends his bright heralds before him, to prepare the world for his coming  (Bursts Quotes) I like extravagance. Letters which give the postman a stiff back to carry, books which overflow from their covers, sexuality which bursts the thermometers  (Bursts Quotes) Writing has often been accompanied by terror, silences, and then wild bursts of private laughter that suddenly make all the dread seem worthwhile  (Bursts Quotes) Age is not all decay; it is the ripening, the swelling, of the fresh life within, that withers and bursts the husk  (Bursts Quotes) Leadership both projects to the future and reflects upon the past. It bursts with possibilities, flaunts peculiarities, and occasionally defies probabilities  (Bursts Quotes) Cruel with guilt, and daring with despair, the midnight murderer bursts the faithless bar; invades the sacred hour of silent rest and leaves, unseen, a dagger in your breast  (Bursts Quotes) Since I was man, such sheets of fire, such bursts of torrid thunder such groans of roaring wind and rain, I never remember to have heard  (Bursts Quotes) There are, above all, times in which the human reality, always mobile, accelerates, and bursts into vertiginous speeds. Our time is such a one, for it is made of descent and fall  (Bursts Quotes) He bursts out laughing. It’s short, as if he regretted allowing me to make him laugh, but the satisfaction’s already mine  (Bursts Quotes) A brilliant author or businesswoman or senator or software engineer is brilliant only in tiny bursts. The rest of the time, they’re doing work that most any trained person could do  (Bursts Quotes) I’m used to short distances and short bursts of energy; it was just fastest  (Bursts Quotes)
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