Bush Quotes

Text Quotes
Somebody was asking me the other day - President Bush is now talking about freedom for the Arab world. I say, well, that’s great. I was talking about that fifty years ago. (Bush Quotes)
Bush can talk about 100,000 people wanting to go work in the police or in the army. It’s because there’s nothing else for them to do. They’re willing to stand in line to get bombed because they want to take care of their family. (Bush Quotes)
President Bush appeared with Arnold Schwarzenegger at a huge campaign event. Only in California can a governor who speaks German and a president who can barely speak English try to make themselves clear to an audience that’s primarily Spanish. (Bush Quotes)
When you grow up as the daughters of George and Laura Bush, you develop a special appreciation for how blessed we are to live in this great country. (Bush Quotes)
Few people know that President Obama has used drone attacks many times more than Bush ever did. Obama’s off the charts in terms of drone attack. (Bush Quotes)
Authorities in New York City have foiled a plot by terrorists to blow up the Holland Tunnel. There was one awkward moment when officials informed President Bush the Holland Tunnel was safe. Bush then thanked the Dutch authorities for all their help. (Bush Quotes)
Most Americans have little idea of how far our nation’s worldwide standing had fallen by the end of the Bush administration; no matter how bad you thought it had gotten, it was worse. (Bush Quotes)
You could argue that Barack Obama faced in 08 a situation as bad as any president since the Great Depression. What Obama inherited from the Bush administration, we all remember, was just an absolute global catastrophe. (Bush Quotes)
I say at this point, for different reasons, Bush and Hussein are both very threatening to world peace and to deny that is to be incredibly naive. (Bush Quotes)
I didn’t have any Indigenous friends until I was in my 30s, and I’ll always remember and be inspired by the remarkable friendship I had with Connie Bush, an outstanding Indigenous leader from Groot Eylandt on who was on the National Women’s Advisory Council with me. (Bush Quotes)
I’m so proud to be on a Kate Bush record; she’s always marched to the beat of her own drum (Bush Quotes)
We’re half an hour from Toronto, which offers everything you could want from a city, and a couple of hours from beautiful vacation country. We have it all here, plus George W. Bush is not our president. (Bush Quotes)
Editing is like pruning the rose bush you thought was so perfect and beautiful until it overgrew the garden. (Bush Quotes)
I needed to be in the bush. There I find solitude and beauty and purity and focus. That’s where my heart lies. (Bush Quotes)
I don’t want to talk in terms of miracles. I think this is a very serious situation. But I do want to talk in terms of Bush becoming a man of the hour, and I think this is way to do it. (Bush Quotes)
It’s a tragedy what is happening, what Bush is doing. All Bush wants is Iraqi oil. There is no doubt that the U.S. is behaving badly. Why are they not seeking to confiscate weapons of mass destruction from their ally Israel? This is just an excuse to get Iraq’s oil. (Bush Quotes)
Life’s the adventure. You don’t have to drop your bundle and go bush. It’s about being brave within the context that you’re in. (Bush Quotes)
I remember when President Bush, George W. Bush, came into office, he focused on No Child Left Behind, and with - and before very long, suddenly, Republicans were thought of as being as interested and as competent in education as Democrats, and why? Because they were talking about it and doing something about it. (Bush Quotes)
I feel like the American people are being lied to and manipulated. President Bush is trying to force 9/11 and Saddam together. (Bush Quotes)
No doubt the ridiculous politicians are right to like politics. They have found careers in which success can be achieved by being ridiculous. Imagine Jimmy Carter or George W. Bush rising to the top of any other profession. (Bush Quotes)
You know, when George Bush talks about freedom not being America’s gift to world but God’s gift to all humankind, it smells like market testing to me. (Bush Quotes)
On his own okay, Bush has authorized eavesdropping on as many as a thousand people over the past three years, with some of those intercepts being purely domestic, the New York Times reported. (Bush Quotes)
The fact that the Bush administration, and those in Europe who have followed its 9/11-inspired agenda, somehow believe that the future of the world is being played out in the Middle East and Central Asia rather than East Asia has only served to accelerate China’s rise and the U.S.’s decline. (Bush Quotes)
George W. Bush is a leader, and that’s what we need in the White House. George Bush is someone you can believe and trust. (Bush Quotes)
My theory is that nine times out of ten, if there’s a depression, more a social depression than anything, it brings out the best art in black people. The best example is, Reagan and Bush gave us the best years of hiphop. (Bush Quotes)
Bush is a nice fellow who gives very good parties. I just wish someone would find him a better job than running the country. (Bush Quotes)
A Bush Administration will, I believe, enjoy a better relationship with the new Congress, although President-elect Bush will be faced with real challenges in getting along with the Congress. (Bush Quotes)
I think President Bush tried to step up on Social Security even though the polls showed that was unpopular. He has not been successful and backed off, but I admire people who take on big problems. (Bush Quotes)
In 2002 the [George] Bush administration effectively put an end to negotiations of an agreement which would have established inspection procedures to ensure or to monitor compliance with the existing legal ban on biological weapons. (Bush Quotes)
A bird in the hand was worth two in the bush, he told her, to which she retorted that a proverb was the last refuge of the mentally destitute. (Bush Quotes)