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Bush Quotes

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There is no doubt that the second President Bush inherited a very serious terrorist threat, though not such a threat as had been represented by the totalitarian Great Powers, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.  (Bush Quotes) I argued that the Bush administration, and the Coalition officials more recently, didn’t understand Iraqi society. They thought it was a blank slate, that they could use Iraqis as guinea pigs.  (Bush Quotes) Again and again, I’ve seen Bush turn a blind eye as his henchmen have leveled zealous attacks against his political enemies - assaults which the president himself has sometimes directly encouraged.  (Bush Quotes) We pretend to be a middle class, democratic nation, but in reality we love our blue bloods. ... We love the prep school manners, the aristocratic calm, the Skull and Bones mystery, the dappled lawns stretching before New England summer homes. How else can you explain the Bush vs. Kerry match-up that confronts us this year  (Bush Quotes) Dr. Louis Bush Swisher died from the complications of a brain aneurysm that burst without warning one sunny Sunday morning less than 40 years ago.  (Bush Quotes) The promise of education reform can never be fulfilled without adequate funding, and by shortchanging our schools, President Bush is breaking his promise to our children.  (Bush Quotes) I felt bad when George Bush was booed. But only briefly. My sympathy for that man has a half-life of about four seconds.  (Bush Quotes) Al-Qaeda’s resurgence brings out the worst in the Bush Administration’s math and logic  (Bush Quotes) I really think [the Bush Administration]’s foreign policy agenda is to spread irony through the world.  (Bush Quotes) It’s very clear that the Bush Administration is out of control. It contains some truly dangerous people.  (Bush Quotes) There is no way any rational, reasonable person can say that the Bush Administration has been good for America.  (Bush Quotes) While all Republicans acknowledge that there were mistakes made during the Bush Administration, again the continuous pointing a finger at President Bush has gotten tiresome.  (Bush Quotes) Certainly, the Bush Administration will rely in the first instance on its friends, since it would be both illogical and counterproductive to reward its adversaries.  (Bush Quotes) For years, the Bush Administration eviscerated all the military and legal structures that were designed to separate the innocent from the guilty in the ‘Global War on Terror.’  (Bush Quotes) Increased funding for the Weatherization Assistance Program is a priority for the Bush Administration, and I am pleased that many families in North Carolina will benefit from this increase.  (Bush Quotes) There the Bush Administration has offered only a merry-go-round policy. They got up on their high horse, whooped and hollered, rode around in circles and ended right back where they’d started.  (Bush Quotes) There the Bush Administration has offered only a merry go-round policy. They got up on their high horse, whooped and hollered, rode around in circles, and ended right back where they’d started  (Bush Quotes) I’ve just been writing a column about the way in which Fallujah and New Orleans are looking to be twin towns in effect. They’re both been worked over by the Bush Administration.  (Bush Quotes) Because the Bush Administration will set no timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, both chambers of Congress acted to make sure our troops will not be left in Iraq indefinitely.  (Bush Quotes) [I wish no one ever asked me ] Did you sign that petition implicating the Bush Administration in 9/11? Because I never signed it, and I hate being vilified for a controversial idea I never espoused.  (Bush Quotes) People don’t realize that the Obama Administration has been, if anything, harder on whistleblowers than the Bush Administration. Part of the reason is that they know that the response will be more muted because the traditional constituency supporting whistleblowers just happen to be the same constituency as Obama’s.  (Bush Quotes) I think the Bush Administration had basically inherited a policy toward Iraq from the Reagan/Bush Administration that saw Iraq as a kind of fire wall against Iranian fundamentalism. And as it developed over the 1980s, it became a real political run-a-muck... even though the Iraqis were known to be harboring Palestinian terrorists.  (Bush Quotes) The Arab countries in the Middle East have for decades demonized Israel, to Western leadership, which for reasons not entirely clear, listen to them politely. The Bush Administration, for example, was infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood years before Obama began mainstreaming them and allowing them to have positions of influence within the White House.  (Bush Quotes) The issue of what my role in the - in persuading the Bush administration to go to war has been greatly exaggerated.  (Bush Quotes) You know, when President Reagan, who was one of my idols, granted amnesty to about three million illegal immigrants it was based on the fact that the borders would be secured. That didn’t happen. It didn’t happen during the Bush administration.  (Bush Quotes) What the Bush administration is primarily interested in is regime change in the United States, not regime change in Iraq or South East Asia or the Balkans. A foreign war is a wonderful lollipop to stuff in the mouth of a possibly quarrelsome press  (Bush Quotes) Say what you will about Americans, but one thing they are not is passive. The Bush administration may have pushed through the Patriot Act weeks after 11 September, but, as the American public got to grips with how the law was affecting their individual rights, their protests grew loud and angry.  (Bush Quotes) Faced with the collapse of Iraq into something like Lebanon - or worse, Somalia - the Bush administration opted for a new counterinsurgency strategy. Violence was reduced because, for the first time since the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, Iraqis felt that there was a force capable of dominating the situation and ensuring basic order.  (Bush Quotes) The Bush administration made us nostalgic for ... well, any other time in history.  (Bush Quotes) The Bush administration does not desire to see Islam practiced in its pristine purity  (Bush Quotes)
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