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Bush Quotes

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After spending three or four years interacting with the Bush administration, I realized they were not taking any actions to deal with climate change. So, I decided to give one talk, and then it snowballed into another talk and eventually to even protesting and getting arrested.  (Bush Quotes) I was able to adjust initially by plunging right into the book and the Bush Presidential Center at Southern Methodist University. And it turns out that there is a good way to make a living by giving speeches.  (Bush Quotes) Bush will keep up that policy that gives the United State the role of promoting freedom in the world.  (Bush Quotes) I would vote for Bush if for no other reason than to be at the airport waving off all the people who say they are going to London if he wins again. Someone has got to stay behind.  (Bush Quotes) George W. Bush is using language that’s a mirror image of the language of Osama bin Laden when he says, We have God on our side. This is the struggle of good against evil.  (Bush Quotes) Jenna Bush was cited for underage drinking in Austin Friday. Her dad warned her that too much partying at school could cost her a good career. At $400,000, he’s making the lowest salary of any of his Yale classmates.  (Bush Quotes) Jeb Bush is very good on immigration, he’s very good on education. He’s a smart guy.  (Bush Quotes) I think I present an overwhelming case that these five justices were up to no good, and they deliberately set out to hand the election to George Bush.  (Bush Quotes) And I think within the pages of The Betrayal of America I think I present an overwhelming case that these five justices were up to no good, and they deliberately set out to hand the election to George Bush.  (Bush Quotes) I thought Jeb Bush would have made a good president. He was on the board of my foundation. He’s very conservative, much too conservative for me.  (Bush Quotes) Good news. President Bush is creating thousands of new jobs. Unfortunately, all of them are at the White House.  (Bush Quotes) Some good news. Finally, President Bush is going to do something about global warming. He became alarmed when another chunk of ice fell off his mother.  (Bush Quotes) If Bush, as I believe, has reliable information on the fact that Saddam Hussein is making weapons of mass destruction, I cannot not support the policies of his government.  (Bush Quotes) And I think the almost undeviating support by Great Britain for the ill-advised policies of President Bush in Iraq have been a major tragedy for the world.  (Bush Quotes) I have confidence in my campaign. I have assembled a great team that is going to beat George W. Bush, and any rumors to the contrary are completely erroneous.  (Bush Quotes) I’m always amazed when I hear people saying; That George Bush, he’s a great leader. And I wonder, where can one find a drug that would make one so delusional?  (Bush Quotes) What conservatives and Republicans must recognize is that the White House has broken with them. What President Bush is doing, and has been doing for some time, is sundering a great political coalition.  (Bush Quotes) O, when I am safe in my sylvan home, I mock at the pride of Greece and Rome; And when I am stretch’d beneath the pines When the evening star so holy shines, I laugh at the lore and pride of man, At the Sophist’s schools, and the learned clan; For what are they all in their high conceit, When man in the bush with God may meet?  (Bush Quotes) Anyway, the [Barack] Obama administration took four years to say they weren’t gonna do anything on George W. Bush. There were all kinds of people that wanted to prosecute him over the torture, quote, unquote, at Guantanamo Bay.  (Bush Quotes) Even the people that support Bush aren’t happy with the way things are going in Iraq  (Bush Quotes) There are legitimate, even powerful arguments, to be made against the Bush administration’s foreign policy. But those arguments are complicated, hard to explain, and, in the end, not all that sensational.  (Bush Quotes) I think that both men, Bush and Blair, will be damned in history. Both men have made their respective countries the two most hated countries in the world.  (Bush Quotes) The Obama administration is fighting to block access to names of visitors to the White House, taking up the Bush administration argument that a president doesn’t have to reveal who comes calling to influence policy decisions.  (Bush Quotes) The Bush administration has been doing everything it can to hide the huge number of returning veterans who are severely wounded - - 17,000 so far including roughly 20 percent with serious brain and head injuries. Even the estimate of $500 billion ignores the lifetime disability and healthcare costs that taxpayers will have to spend for years to come.  (Bush Quotes) I don’t really think our government at heart wants peace. So I urge you, write to Mrs. Laura Bush, because she reads.  (Bush Quotes)
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